Other Outreach Activities

October 2010
Northern Cold Regions Hydrology Model (CRHM) Workshop and Water Resources Research Meeting
Over the 4th - 5th October 2010, IP3 held a meeting in Yellowknife, NWT, incorporating a CRHM Training Workshop and presentations covering IP3 and other water-resources research in Canada's North. The agenda is available here, and the following presentations are available for download in PDF format:

17 September 2010
IP3 PI John Pomeroy gave a cyber-seminar on Advancing hydrological processes to better predict hydrology in cold regions, for the US Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrological Science Inc (CUAHSI). The subject-area covered results from IP3, DRI and other research from the University of Saskatchewan's Centre for Hydrology.

February 2010 - IP3 and WC2N (Western Canadian Cryospheric Network) members participated in a workshop on Glaciers in the Columbia Basin - Glacial Recession Research in Golden, BC, on 1 February. There was a full evening of presentations for the public on Our Glaciers. Our Legacy at the Golden Civic Centre. A detailed Agenda for the evening public presentations is available HERE. John Pomeroy provided a public presentation on Water in the Columbia, Effects of Climate Change, and Glacial Recession.

January 2010 - John Pomeroy attended a meeting in Kelowna, BC, on 20 January on using the IP3 model CRHM (see Models) to predict the effects of forest cover change on water supply in the Okanagan region.

January 2010 - IP3 scientists lead a Water Management Workshop in Red Deer, Alberta on 12-13 January (further information under CRHM on the Models page).

October 2009 - IP3 scientists met with Alberta hydrologists in Edmonton to discuss data availability issues as well as application of the MESH model to hydrological prediction in Alberta.

August 2009 - Kathy Young, Geography Professor at York University and a scientist with the IP3 and IPY projects, led 69 Arctic hydrologists, oceanographers, and others on a floating expedition to Baffin Island for the 17th International Northern Research Basins (NRB) Symposium and Workshop. IP3 scientists and students attended the Symposium, and the IP3 and WC2N Networks supported outreach activities in several ports-of-call during the cruise. York University has written three articles on the cruise:

Additionally, the NRB organizing committee has posted on-line minutes and reports from the meeting as well as professional photos documenting the symposium.

June 2009 - IP3 scientists met with Manitoba Water Stewardship and Parks Canada in Winnipeg to discuss application of CRHM to hydrological prediction in ungauged or incompletely gauged watersheds.

May 2009 - IP3 members organised a session at the AGU-CGU Joint Assembly in Toronto on Recent Advances in the Scientific Basis of Water Resources Management. Fourteen participants provided oral and poster presentations on basic research results being applied to water resources management in Canada and abroad.

March 2009 - Martin Beniston, Coordinator of the ACQWA water and climate project in Switzerland, presented information on threats to water resources in mountain regions and ACQWA's modelling strategies at the IP3 Theme 3 Prediction Workshop in Waterloo, ON, 16-17 March.