MAGS: Aurora Research Institute

Last Update:  December 9, 2003.

The Aurora Research Institute will be a partner in the research.

The Aurora Research Institute is hoping MAGS can provide:

  • opportunities to provide support services regarding socio-economic impact analysis and the preparation of plain language documentation for communication with communities in NWT
  • opportunities to provide logistical support services through the Aurora Research Insititute in Inuvik (formerly the Inuvik Research Centre).
MAGS will benefit from the participation of the Aurora Research Institute in many ways including:
  • logistical support for team members, including the Inuvik Research Centre,
  • support for socio-economic impact studies,
  • development of plain language reports for good community relations
     Aurora Research Institute
     PO Box 1450
     Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
     Tel: (867) 777-3298
     Fax: (867) 777-4264


Environment Canada - Environnement Canada