How to Use the Advanced Search:
Choose template whose fields you will search on:
For example,
- select
Publication_vX.X.xml to search publications,
- select
Dataset_vX.X.xml to search datasets.
Records based only on the selected template will be returned (irrespective of version number).
For instance, Dataset-based records will not be returned for searches conducted with the Publication template--only Publication-based records, and
vice versa, Publications will not be returned for searches using the Dataset template, only Datasets, and so on.
Enter search terms into the fields you want matched:
Searches are
not case sensitive
("north america" is equivalent to "North America")
- Enter
is null to find records where field has no value
- Enter
is not null to find records where field contains a value
- Enter other search terms:
For example:
beaver -"snow depth" muskrat "water quality" +"North America".
This specifies that for the matched result, this field:
- may contain beaver, muskrat, or "water quality",
- must contain "North America",
- must
not contain "snow depth".
Note: If
Find is pressed with no values entered into any of the fields, then
all records
created under that template will be returned.
Select either
- Match All Fields - records must match in all fields filled in, or
- Match Any Fields - record must match at least one of the fields filled in,
and then press
(4 - optional)
Change Output
- to change output to a
downloadable tab-separated value output for import into
Excel, or
- to
select custom fields to display in the search result output,
- or both
After the Change Output dialog is closed, remember to press
Find when you are ready to start the search.