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Section 1: Overview
Name of Research Project
Related Project
GWF-IMPC: Integrated Modelling Program for Canada
Theme 1
Program Affiliations
Related Research Project(s)
GWF-IMPC: Integrated Modelling Program for Canada | |
Dataset Title
Land Cover Data from the North American Land Change Monitoring System (spatial resolution 30m)
Additional Information
Creators and Contributors
Bryan Tolson | PI | btolson@uwaterloo.ca | University of Waterloo |
Mai Juliane | Originator | juliane.mai@uwaterloo.ca | University of Waterloo |
Maria Abrahamowicz | Collaborator | | |
Hervé Awoye | Collaborator | | |
Milena Dimitrijevic | Collaborator | | |
Dorothy Durnford | Collaborator | | |
Katelyn FitzGerald | Collaborator | | |
Lauren Fry | Collaborator | | |
Étienne Gaborit | Collaborator | | |
Nicolas Gasset | Collaborator | | |
Shervan Gharari | Collaborator | | |
Drew Gronewold | Collaborator | | |
Amin Haghnegahdar | Collaborator | | |
Alan Hamlet | Collaborator | | |
Tim Hunter | Collaborator | | |
Wayne Jenkinson | Collaborator | | |
Young LanShin | Collaborator | | |
Lacey Mason | Collaborator | | |
Xiaojing Ni | Collaborator | | |
Al Pietroniro | Collaborator | | |
Daniel Princz | Collaborator | | |
Saman Razavi | Collaborator | | |
Laura Read | Collaborator | | |
Kevin Sampson | Collaborator | | |
Frank Seglenieks | Collaborator | | |
Hongren Shen | Collaborator | | |
Joeseph Smith | Collaborator | | |
Tricia Stadnyk | Collaborator | | |
Yan Yongping | Collaborator | | |
This 30-meter spatial resolution dataset from the North American Land Change Monitoring System reflects land cover information for 2010 from Mexico and Canada and 2011 for the United States. The North American Land Cover information was downloaded from
http://www.cec.org/tools-and-resources/map-files/land-cover-2010-landsat-30m. The region of interest (Great Lakes) was cropped and data converted into formats ASCII and NetCDF. Data are then made available to the project collaborators on a private GitHub. Researchers interested in data can email Juliane Mai (University of Waterloo; juliane.mai@uwaterloo.ca)
The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project (GRIP) includes a wide range of lumped and distributed models that are used operationally and/or for research purposes across Canada and the United States. Participating models are Global Environmental Multi-scale (GEM- Hydro), Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-Hydro), MEC-Surface & Hydrology (MESH), Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC), WATFLOOD, HYdrological Predictions for the Environment (HYPE), Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Large Basin Runoff Model (LBRM) The project aims to run all these models over several regions in Canada with Great Lakes, focusing on Lake Erie and Lake St.Clair as the initial domain (GRIP-E). This project will also focus on identifying a standard, consistent dataset for model building that all participants in the inter-comparison project can access and then process to generate their model-specific required inputs.
This data set is collected for the project titled "Integrated Modelling Program for Canada (IMPC): Theme 1", which is a Pillar 3 project under the Global Water Futures Program funded by Canada First Research Excellence Fund.
Plain Language Summary
Great Lakes |
Lake Erie |
Lakes |
Land cover |
Maps |
Modeling |
Nutrients |
Satellite imagery |
Latifovic, R., Homer, C., Ressl, R., Pouliot, D., Hossain, S.N., Colditz, R.R., Olthof, I., Giri, C., & Victoria, A. (2012). Land Cover Data from the North American Land Change Monitoring System (spatial resolution 30m). Waterloo, Canada: Canadian Cryospheric Information Network (CCIN). (Unpublished Data).
Section 2: Research Site
Temporal Extent
Begin Date
End Date
Geographic Bounding Box
West Boundary Longitude
East Boundary Longitude
North Boundary Latitude
South Boundary Latitude
Is Boundary Rectangular
Research Site Images
Research Site Description (if needed)
Lake Erie - FEHRJ
Lake St. Clair - FAXND
Great Lakes
Specific Locations (if needed)
Research Site Location
Map Not Available
View on Global Map
Section 3: Status and Provenance
Dataset Version
Dataset Creation Date
Status of data collection/production
Dataset Completion or Abandonment Date
Data Update Frequency
Creation Software
Primary Source of Data
Other Source of Data (if applicable)
Data Lineage (if applicable). Please include versions (e.g., input and forcing data, models, and coupling modules; instrument measurements; surveys; sample collections; etc.)
Section 4: Access and Downloads
Access to the Dataset
Terms of Use
Does the data have access restrictions?
Downloading and Characteristics of the Dataset
Download Links and Instructions
Data has been made available to project collaborators on a private GitHub repository.
To obtain data, go and see, or email Juliane Mai.
Total Size of all Dataset Files (GB)
File formats and online databases
Other Data Formats (if applicable)
List of Parameters and Variables