Water resources system properties of the Saskatchewan River Basin
Properties of different water resources components such as reservoirs, hydropower, irrigation and non-irrigation demand, environmental flow requirements, channel (natural and diversion) properties, inflow to the system, national and international water sharing agreements, and system operating policy. Data was collected/prepared based on the existing water management model (WRMM) in Alberta Saskatchewan, using the water management model MODSIM. Other major sources of data involve:
-Environment and Climate Change Canada's HYDAT and climate database (HYDAT)
-Alberta Environment and Parks [AEP] (1998) South Saskatchewan River Basin historical weekly natural flows-1912 to 1995. Edmonton, AB
-Alberta Utilities Commission (2010) Final Report for Alberta Utilities Commission - Update on Alberta’s Hydroelectric Energy Resources
-TransAlta (2018) Plants in Operation. In: TransAlta Corp.
https://www.transalta.com/facilities/plants-operation/. Accessed 4 Jan 2018
-Saskatchewan Water Security Agency [SWSA] (2012) Lake Diefenbaker Reservoir Operations: Context and Objectives
-AEP (2007) Current and future water use in Alberta. Edmonton, AB
-AEP (2018) Modified Operations Agreement with TransAlta. In: Alberta Environ. Park. Gov. Alberta.
http://aep.alberta.ca/water/programs-and-services/flood-mitigation/flood-mitigation-projects/bow-river-basin.aspx. Accessed 21 Feb 2019
-Government of Alberta (2019) Alberta irrigation information.
https://open.alberta.ca/publications/3295832. Accessed 10 Jan 2019
-Kulshreshtha S, Nagy C, Bogdan A (2012) Present and Future Water Demand in Selected Saskatchewan River Basins. Saskatchewan Watershed Agency, Regina, SK
-Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association [SIPA] (2009) Irrigation Development in Saskatchewan – The Next Steps
-SIPA (2018) Irrigation Development Areas & Districts. In: Saskatchewan Irrig. Proj. Assoc. Inc.
http://www.irrigationsaskatchewan.com/SIPA/irrigation-development-areas-districts/. Accessed 5 Jan 2018
-AMEC Earth and Environmental Limited (AMEC 2009) South Saskatchewan River Basin in Alberta Water Supply Study. Lethbridge, AB
-Clipperton GK, Koning CW, Locke AGH, et al (2003) Instream Flow Needs Determinations for the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta, Canada
-Halliday R, Faveri G (2009) The St. Mary and Milk rivers: the 1921 order revisited. Can Water Resour J 32:75–92
-Prairie Provinces Water Board [PPWB] (1969) Master Agreement on Apportionment. Regina, SK, Canada
-Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development [AARD] (2014) Alberta’s irrigation – a strategy for the future. Lethbridge, AB
Data file format: Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx)
Data was prepared to develop water management models for different regions of the Saskatchewan River Basin, for work package B1: Developing a water resources model to simulate different operational policies of existing and future water infrastructure.