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Section 1: Overview
Name of Research Project
Related Project
GWF-IMPC: Integrated Modelling Program for Canada
Core Modelling and Forecasting Team
Program Affiliations
Related Research Project(s)
GWF-IMPC: Integrated Modelling Program for Canada | |
Dataset Title
Cryospheric and hydrological output data from a physical hydrology land-surface model
Additional Information
Creators and Contributors
Abbas Fayad | Point of Contact, Originator | abbas.fayad@usask.ca | University of Saskatchewan |
John Pomeroy | Principal Investigator | | University of Saskatchewan |
Multi-sites physical model outputs (multiple surface, snow, ice, and hydrological variables per site, including multi-layer outputs of soil and glacier layers) in high mountains (i.e. alpine ridges, glacier, alpine forests and clear cuts, and montane sites) in the Canadian Rockies.
Evaluate the coupled hydrology land-surface model (MESH), using the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) at different alpine and glacierized research sites in the Canadian Rockies.
Plain Language Summary
Snow and ice processes in high mountain environments are controlled by precipitation, blowing snow redistribution, sublimation, and the exchange of radiative and turbulent fluxes. Snow interception in forests is important in many alpine regions. The current dataset is the collection of simulated data at different alpine and glacierized research sites in the Canadian Rockies (e.g. alpine ridges, glacier, alpine forests and clear cuts, and montane sites). The coupled hydrology land-surface model (MESH), using the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS), is run using a physically based modeling approach based on the understanding of the hydrological system. For the different sites, the model was run in single column mode and forced by 30-min meteorological observations collected as part of the Canadian Rockies Hydrological Observatory. The forcing data of shortwave and longwave irradiance were adjusted to slopes; meanwhile, air temperature, humidity, pressure and precipitation were adjusted for elevation to the single column model site.
surface radiative and turbulent fluxes |
snow energetics |
snow hydrology |
alpine hydrology |
glacier energetics and hydrology |
diagnostic variables |
Canadian Rockies |
Section 3: Status and Provenance
Dataset Version
Dataset Creation Date
Status of data collection/production
Dataset Completion or Abandonment Date
Data Update Frequency
Creation Software
Primary Source of Data
Other Source of Data (if applicable)
Data Lineage (if applicable). Please include versions (e.g., input and forcing data, models, and coupling modules; instrument measurements; surveys; sample collections; etc.)
Model name: Coupled hydrology land-surface model (MESH), using the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS)
Model version number: MESH (1.4) using CLASS (3.6)
Model source/webpage:
https://wiki.usask.ca/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=220332269 Model output pre-processing script: TBA. Scripts will be shared on github.
Model output post-processing script: TBA. Scripts will be shared on github.
Model setup: Physically based with no calibration.
Time step: Hourly
Initial condition: Physically based, set based on the understanding of the hydrological system
Boundary condition: Physically based, set based on the understanding of the hydrological system
Section 4: Access and Downloads
Access to the Dataset
Terms of Use
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Downloading and Characteristics of the Dataset
Download Links and Instructions
Total Size of all Dataset Files (GB)
File formats and online databases
Other Data Formats (if applicable)
List of Parameters and Variables
net shortwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
incoming shortwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
outgoing shortwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
net longwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
incoming longwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
outgoing longwave radiation | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
sensible heat flux | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
latent heat flux | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
ground heat flux | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
surface heat flux | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
snow melt energy | W m-2 | hourly | simulation |
surface temperature | K | hourly | simulation |
snow temperature | K | hourly | simulation |
snow mass | Kg m-3 | hourly | simulation |
snow density | Kg m-3 | hourly | simulation |
albedo | fraction | hourly | simulation |
snow depth | m | hourly | simulation |
fractional snow cover | fraction | hourly | simulation |
snow intercepted by vegetation canopy | mm | hourly | simulation |
snow water content | mm | hourly | simulation |
meltwater from ice | mm | hourly | simulation |
temperature of soil layer (i) | K | hourly | simulation |
liquid water in soil layer (i) | fraction | hourly | simulation |
runoff | mm | hourly | simulation |
overland flow | mm | hourly | simulation |
interflow | mm | hourly | simulation |
baseflow | mm | hourly | simulation |
depth of ponded water on surface | m | hourly | simulation |