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Section 1: Overview
Name of Research Project
Program Affiliations
Related Research Project(s)
GWF-Managing Urban Eutrophication Risks under Climate Change: An Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Framework | |
Dataset Title
Water chemistry parameters for Lake Wilcox (Richmond Hill, ON)
Additional Information
Creators and Contributors
This dataset was collected by City of Richmond Hill from 1996 to 2020 for Lake Wilcox. Water chemistry parameters for Lake Wilcox in both epilimnion and hypolimnion zones, which include concentrations of major ions (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, sulfate, and dissolved inorganic carbon), nutrients (N and P species), heavy metals (manganese and iron), as well as alkalinity. Additionally, datasets include profiles of pH, temperature, electroconductivity and dissolved oxygen from 0 to 17 m of the depth of Lake Wilcox. Dataset will be used to support projects under the Global Water Futures Program.
Plain Language Summary
water chemistry |
lake water |
water quality |
Section 3: Status and Provenance
Dataset Version
Dataset Creation Date
Status of data collection/production
Dataset Completion or Abandonment Date
Data Update Frequency
Creation Software
Primary Source of Data
Other Source of Data (if applicable)
Data Lineage (if applicable). Please include versions (e.g., input and forcing data, models, and coupling modules; instrument measurements; surveys; sample collections; etc.)
Section 4: Access and Downloads
Access to the Dataset
Terms of Use
Does the data have access restrictions?
Downloading and Characteristics of the Dataset
Download Links and Instructions
Total Size of all Dataset Files (GB)
292.27 KB
File formats and online databases
Other Data Formats (if applicable)
List of Parameters and Variables