Dr. Alan Barr
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Research areas
- Contributed to the Ireson et al. (2015) synthesis paper, which provided an interdisciplinary review of the changing water cycle in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Western Canada. The paper: reviewed the connections among climate, hydrology and ecology under a changing climate; explored ways that hydrological processes determine ecosystem functioning; and identified critical knowledge gaps, including how our ability to predict system response is limited by our ability to predict hydrologic change.
- Collaborated with CCRN and external partners on studies that utilized the BERMS data sets (see Publications below). The most significant findings were:
- a global relationship between boreal carbon uptake and snowmelt timing (Pulliainen et al., 2017);
- a large annual carbon loss following defoliation of a boreal aspen forest by forest tent caterpillar (Stephens et al., 2018);
- evaluation and development of models (Chen et al, 2016; Chun et al., 2014; He et al., 2014; Yuan et al., 2014) and remote sensing algorithms (Hopkinson et al., 2016; Middleton et al., 2016).
- Contributed to BERMS data management and the development of protocols for the CCRN data system.
- Collaborated on the evaluation of the Environment Canada CLASS and CTEM models using long-term observations from the BERMS sites (work in progress):
- developed a new approach for water-stress feedbacks on photosynthesis and transpiration;
- evaluated the CTEM competition algorithm at the prairie-forest ecotone, using flux observations at the BERMS aspen and jack pine flux towers and the AB grassland (led by Omer Yetemen);
- evaluated the energetics of spring snow melt and soil thaw in CLASS (with Faizan Ahmed).
- Worked with CCRN ecologists to develop a vegetation change scenario for MESH modelling of the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River basins over the 21st century, based on maximum plausible vegetation changes. The scenario was developed by first deriving a change signal from the recent climate-based projections of Elizabeth Campbell (Pacific Forestry Centre), and then applying the change signal to the LLC05 base map used by MESH to model 1981-2010. The change-signal approach: anchored the projections to the observed base map and preserved the patchiness of the observed vegetation mosaic; applied expert opinion to eliminate changes that are not plausible over the modelling time frame (1981-2100); and integrated wildfire as a trigger for specific vegetation changes that occur only after disturbance. The primary changes captured in the change scenario were: the expansion of agricultural cropland into the southern boreal mixedwood forest; the replacement of patches of southern boreal evergreen forest by grassland after wildfire; the post-fire replacement of patches of evergreen forest by mixedwood forest in the central and northern boreal forest; and the expansion of shrubs above the northern and alpine treelines.