Ryan Connon
PhD student, Cold Regions Research Centre, Wilfrid Laurier University (Supervisor: William Quinton)
Thesis Topic: Changing runoff pathways due to permafrost thaw in discontinuous permafrost terrains
- R. Connon, É. Devoie, M. Hayashi, T. Veness, W Quinton. (in prep). The influence of taliks on hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost.
- R. Connon, É. Devoie, W. Quinton. (in prep). A thinning active layer in a warming climate?
- R. Connon, W. Quinton, J. Craig, J. Hanisch, O. Sonnentag (2015). The hydrology of interconnected bog complexes in discontinuous permafrost. Hydrological Processes. 29 (18): 3831:3847.
- R. Connon, W. Quinton, M. Hayashi and J. Craig (2014). Changing hydrologic connectivity due to permafrost thaw in the lower Liard River valley, NWT, Canada. Hydrological Processes. 28 (14): 4163-4178.
Awards and Scholarships
- NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (Doctoral), 2015-2017
- W. Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research (Doctoral), 2014-2016
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2014-2015
- Don Gray Award (best student paper in hydrology, CGU annual general meeting), 2016
- CGU-HS Eastern Division Annual Meeting Best Student Oral Presentation in Hydrology, 2016