Wolf Creek 25 Year Science Summit
Alpine station located in Wolf Creek Research Basin near Whitehorse, YT.
On September 28/29, 2017, past and future researchers, alongside collaborators and government partners, met in Whitehorse to celebrate 25 years of research and scientific advancements made at the Wolf Creek Research Basin (WCRB).
In 1992, WCRB was established to provide Yukoners with evidence-based science for decision making in the areas of water, climate and the biosphere. Since its inception, WCRB has helped to forge new paths of understanding for hydrology and biophysical processes. The basin is an internationally renowned climate change research area, recognized by the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health. The basin in one of Canada’s leading research observations for studying cold climate environments.
WCRB has become a highly regarded teaching and learning laboratory where data from this site is used around the globe. This site is where the Cold Regions Hydrological Model was started and largely developed, allowing researchers to improve the understanding of the water cycle and how climate change is impacting the flows of water and thaw of permafrost. WCRB was also the place where researchers pioneered the first hydrological data-gathering Arctic research drone.
Although WCRB was originally used as a way to study water flows in northern climates, after 25 years of climate change, it has provided researchers with an opportunity to better understand how climate change is causing changes in streamflow, such as the increased flooding that causes washouts of Yukon’s Dempster Highway. This data is also being used to develop better flood forecasting models that Yukon Environment can use for flood forecasts and disaster warnings.
Distinguished researchers involved with the inception of WCRB continue to be involved to this day, including John Pomeroy (University of Saskatchewan), Ric Janowicz (Yukon Environment) and Sean Carey (McMaster University). Looking forward, observations and data from 25 years of research will be the foundation for future research with the pan-Canadian Global Water Futures program and Yukon Government. This research will provide Yukoners and Canadians with a sustainable, healthy and educated way to manage and monitor our freshwater resources.
Media Coverage and Tribute to Wolf Creek by Yukon Legislature
Wolf Creek Research Basin honoured by Yukon government - Global Water Futures News
Yukon's Wolf Creek 'research basin' helps track and plan for climate change - CBC news
Yukon Government Hansard, Oct 24, 2017
Information Brochure (1998): The Wolf Creek Research Basin
Information Brochure (2017): The Changing Environment of Western Canada: Sub-Arctic Mountains
Research Site Description: Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada
Pomeroy J. (2016) Wolf Creek Research Basin Mountain Views / Mountain Meridian Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT) and Mountain Research Initiative (MRI): 10, pp. 30-31
Rasouli, K., Pomeroy, J. W., Janowicz, J. R., Carey, S. K., & Williams, T. J. (2014). Hydrological sensitivity of a northern mountain basin to climate change. Hydrological Processes, 28(14), 4191-4208.
Carey SK, Boucher JL, Duarte CM (2013) Inferring groundwater contributions and pathways to streamflow during snowmelt over multiple years in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic environment (Yukon Canada). Hydrogeology Journal, 21, 67-77. doi: 10.1007/s10040-012-0920-9
Carey SK, Tetzlaff D, Seibert J, Soulsby C, Buttle J, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Caissie D, Shanley J, Kennedy M, Devito K, Pomeroy JW. 2010 Inter-comparison of hydrological regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes, 24, 3591-3602 doi: 10.1002/hyp.7880
Dornes, P. F., Pomeroy, J. W., Pietroniro, A., & Verseghy, D. L. (2008). Effects of spatial aggregation of initial conditions and forcing data on modeling snowmelt using a land surface scheme. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(4), 789-803.
Quinton, W. L., Carey, S. K., & Goeller, N. T. (2004). Snowmelt runoff from northern alpine tundra hillslopes: major processes and methods of simulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 8(5), 877-890.
Janowicz, J. R., Hedstrom, N., Pomeroy, J., Granger, R., & Carey, S. (2004). Wolf Creek Research basin water balance studies. IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports, 290, 195-204.
Jones H.G. and Pomeroy J.W. (1999) The Ecology of Snow and Snow-covered Systems: Summary and Relevance to Wolf Creek, Yukon, Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment., p. 41640
Pomeroy J.W., Hedstrom N.R., Parviainen J., Pomeroy J.W. and Granger R.J. (1999) The Snow Mass Balance of Wolf Creek, Yukon: Effects of Snow Sublimation and Redistribution Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment., pp. 15-30 National Water Research Institute.
Jones, H.G., J.W. Pomeroy, D.A. Walker and R.W. Hoham, 2001. Snow Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Snow-covered Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 394 p.
Pomeroy, J.W. and R.J. Granger, 1999. Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment. National Water Research Institute. Environment Canada: Saskatoon. 160 pp.
Pomeroy, J.W. and R.J. Granger, 1999. Bassin de Recherche du Ruisseau Wolf: Hydrologie, Écologie, Environnement. Institut national de recherché sur les eaux. Environnement Canada, Saskatoon. 164 p.
Pomeroy, J.W. and D.M. Gray. 1995. Snow Accumulation, Relocation and Management. National Hydrology Research Institute Science Report No. 7. Environment Canada: Saskatoon. 144 pp.
Book Chapters
Woo, M-K and J.W. Pomeroy. 2012. Snow and runoff: processes, sensitivity and vulnerability. In, Changing Cold Environments: a Canadian Perspective. (eds H. French and O. Slaymaker), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi: 10.1002/9781119950172.ch6
Pomeroy, J.W., Gray, D.M. and P. Marsh. 2008. Studies on snow redistribution by wind and forest, snow-covered area depletion and frozen soil infiltration. In, (ed. M-K Woo) Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, the Mackenzie GEWEX Experience, Vol. 2: Hydrologic Processes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. 81-96.
Pomeroy, J.W. R. J. Granger, N. R. Hedstrom, D. M. Gray, J. Elliott, A. PietPaproniro and J. R Janowicz. 2005. The process hydrology approach to improving prediction to ungauged basins in Canada. In, (eds. C. Spence, J. Pomeroy and A. Pietroniro) Prediction in Ungauged Basins, Approaches for Canada’s Cold Regions. Canadian Water Resources Association, Cambridge, 67-95.
Janowicz, J.R., Hedstrom, N., Pomeroy, J.W., Granger, R., and S.K. Carey 2004. Wolf Creek Research Basin water balance studies. In, (eds Kane, D.L. and D. Yang) Northern Research Basins Water Balance, IAHS Publ. No. 290, IAHS Press, Wallingford. 195-204.
Pomeroy, J.W. and E. Brun. 2001. "Physical properties of snow". In, (eds. H.G. Jones, J.W. Pomeroy, D.A. Walker and R.W. Hoham) Snow Ecology: an Interdisciplinary Examination of Snow-covered Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 45-118.
Pomeroy, J.W., R. Essery, D.M. Gray, K.R. Shook, B. Toth and P. Marsh, 1999. Modelling snow-atmosphere interactions in cold continental environments. In, (ed. M. Tranter et al.) Interactions between the Cryosphere, Climate and Greenhouse Gases. IAHS Publ. No. 256. IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. 91-102.
Pomeroy, J.W., N. Hedstrom and J. Parviainen. 1999. Le bilan massiqu de la neige au ruisseau Wolf (Yukon): incidence de la sublimation et la redistribution de la neige. In, (rédacteurs. J.W. Pomeroy and R.J. Granger) Bassin de recherché du ruisseau Wolf: hydrologie, écologie, environnement. Institut national de recherché sur lex eax, Environnement Canada, Saskatoon. 15-30.
Jones, H.G. and J.W. Pomeroy, 1999. Écologie de la neige et des systémes recouverts de neige: résumé et pertinence pour le ruisseau Wolf. In, (rédacteurs. J.W. Pomeroy and R.J. Granger) Bassin de recherché du ruisseau Wolf: hydrologie, écologie, environnement. Institut national de recherché sur lex eax, Environnement Canada, Saskatoon. 1-13.
Pomeroy, J.W., N. Hedstrom and J. Parviainen. 1999. The snow mass balance of Wolf Creek. In, (eds. J. Pomeroy and R. Granger) Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment. National Water Research Institute. Minister of Environment: Saskatoon. 15-30.
Jones, H.G. and J.W. Pomeroy 1999. The ecology of snow-covered systems: summary and relevance to Wolf Creek, Yukon. In, (eds. J. Pomeroy and R. Granger) Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment. National Water Research Institute. Minister of Environment: Saskatoon. 1-14.
Janowicz, J.R., Gray, D.M. and J.W. Pomeroy, 1997. Snowmelt and runoff in a subarctic mountain basin. In, (ed. D. Milburn) Proceedings of the Hydro-ecology Workshop on the Arctic Environmental Strategy. NHRI Symposium No. 16, 303-320.
Papers in Refereed Journals
Tetzlaff D, Carey SK, McNamara JP, Laudon H, Soulsby C. 2017. The essential value of long-term experimental data for hydrology and water management. Water Resources Research, 53, doi: 10.1002/2017WR020838.
Tang W, Carey SK. 2017. HydRun: A MATLAB toolbox for rainfall-runoff analysis. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.11185.
Laudon H, Spence C, Buttle J, Carey SK, McDonnell JJ, McNamara JP, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. 2017. Saving northern high-latitude catchments. Nature Geoscience, 10, 324-325. doi: 10.1038/ngeo2947.
Steeve JT, Barbour SL, Ferguson G, Carey SK. 2016. Heat transfer within frozen slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada. Environmental Geotechnics. doi: 10.1680/jenge.15.00058.
Pan X., D. Yang, Y. Li, A. Barr, W. Helgason, M. Hayashi, P. Marsh, J. Pomeroy, and R. Janowicz. 2016. Bias corrections of precipitation measurements across experimental sites in different ecoclimatic regions of western Canada. The Cryosphere, 10, 2347-2360. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-2347-2016.
Williams T.J., Pomeroy J.W., Janowicz J.R., Carey S.K., Rasouli K., and Quinton W.L. 2015. A radiative-conductive-convective approach to calculate thaw season ground surface temperatures for modelling frost table dynamics. Hydrological Processes: 29, pp. 3954-3965. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10573.
Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Carey SK, van Huljgevoort HJ, Laudon H, McNamara J, Mitchell CPJ, Spence C, Gabor RS, Soulsby C. 2015. A preliminary assessment of water partitioning and ecohydrological coupling in northern headwaters using stable isotopes and conceptual runoff models. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10515
Rasouli K., Pomeroy J.W., and Marks, D. 2015. Snowpack sensitivity to perturbed climate in a cool mid-latitude mountain catchment. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10587.
Lessels JS, Tetzlaff D, Carey SK, Smith P, Soulsby C. 2015. A coupled hydrology-biogeochemistry model to simulate dissolved organic carbon exports from a permafrost influenced catchment. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10566
Kinar N.J. and Pomeroy J.W. 2015. Measurement of the Physical Properties of the Snowpack. Reviews of Geophysics: 53(2), 481-544.
Ali G, Tetzlaff D, McDonnell JJ, Soulsby C, Carey SK, Laudon H, McGuire K, Buttle J, Seibert J, Shanley J. 2015. Comparison of threshold hydrologic response across northern catchments. Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10527
Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Carey SK, McGuire K, Laudon H, Soulsby C. 2014. Tracer-based assessment of flow paths, storage and runoff generation in northern catchments: a review. Hydrological Processes., doi: 10.1002/hyp.10412.
Rasouli, K, Pomeroy, J.W., Janowicz, J.R., Carey, S.K. and Williams, T.J. 2014. Hydrological sensitivity of a northern mountain basin to climate change. Hydrological Processes, 28 (14), 4191-4208. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10244
Menard, C.B., Essery, R., Pomeroy, J.W. 2014. Modelled sensitivity of the snow regime to topography, shrub fraction and shrub height. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 18, 2375-2392.
Harder, P, and Pomeroy, J.W. 2014. Hydrological model uncertainty due to precipitation-phase partitioning methods. Hydrological Processes, 28 (14), 4311-4327. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10214
Ali G, Tetzlaff D, Kuitbos L, Soulsby C, Carey SK, McDonnell J, Buttle J, Laudon H, Seibert J, McGuire K, Shanley J. 2014. Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation-runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59, 56-72. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2013.822639
Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Buttle R, Capell R, Carey SK, Laudon H, McDonnell JJ, McGuire K, Seibert J, Shanlty J. 2013. Catchments on the cusp? Structural and functional change in northern ecohydrology. Hydrological Processes, 27, 766-774. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9700
Laudon H, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, Carey SK, Seibert J, Buttle J,Shanley J, McDonnell JJ, McGuire K. 2013. Change in winter climate will affect dissolved organic carbon and water flux in mid- to high latitude catchments. Hydrological Processes, 27, 700-709. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9686
Carey SK, Boucher JL, Duarte CM. 2013. Inferring groundwater contributions and pathways to streamflow during snowmelt over multiple years in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic environment (Yukon Canada). Hydrogeology Journal, 21, 67-77. doi: 10.1007/s10040-012-0920-9
Carey SK, Tetzlaff D, Buttle J, Laudon H, McDonnell J, McGuire K, Seibert J, Soulsby C, Shanley J. 2013. Use of color maps and wavelet coherence to discern seasonal and inter annual climate influences on streamflow variability in northern catchments. Water Resources Research, 49, 6194-6207. doi:10.1002/wrcr.20469
Menard C.B., Essery R.,Pomeroy J., Marsh P., Clark D.B. 2012. A shrub bending model to calculate the albedo of shrub-tundra. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9582.
Laudon H, Buttle J, Carey SK, McDonnell JJ, McGuire K, Seibert J, Soulsby C, Tetzlaff D. 2012. Cross-regional prediction of long-term trajectory of stream water DOC response to climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 39. doi:10.1029/2012GL053033
Callaghan, T.V., Johansson, M., Brown, R.D., Groisman, P.Ya., Labba, N., Radionov, V., Bradley, R.S., Blangy, S., Bulgina, O.N., Christensen, T.R., Colman, J.E., Essery, R.L.H., Forbes, B.C., Forchhammer, M.C., Golubev, V.N., Honrath, R.E., Juday, G.P., Meshcherskaya, A.V., Phoenix, G.K., Pomeroy, J.W., Rautio, A., Robinson, D.A., Schmidt, N.M., Serreze, M.C., Shevchenko, V.P., Shiklomanov, A.I., Shmakin, A.B., Skold, P., Sturm, M., Woo, M-k., and E. Wood. 2011. Multiple effects of changes in Arctic snowcover. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. 40, 32-45.
Zhang, Y., Carey, S. K., Quinton, W. L., Janowicz, J. R., Pomeroy, J. W., and Flerchinger, G. N. 2010. Comparison of algorithms and parameterisations for infiltration into organic-covered permafrost soils, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 729-750, doi:10.5194/hess-14-729-2010.
Tetzlaff D, Carey SK, Laudon H, McGuire K. 2010. Catchment processes and heterogeneity at multiple scales - benchmarking observations, conceptualization and prediction (Editorial). Hydrological Processes, 24, 2203-2208. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7784
Carey, S. K., Tetzlaff, D., Seibert, J., Soulsby, C., Buttle, J., Laudon, H., McDonnell, J., McGuire, K., Caissie, D., Shanley, J., Kennedy, M., Devito, K. and J.W. Pomeroy 2010. Inter-comparison of hydro-climatic regimes across northern catchments: synchronicity, resistance and resilience. Hydrological Processes, 24: 3591–3602. doi: 10.1002/hyp.7880
Boucher JL, Carey SK. 2010. Exploring runoff processes using chemical, isotopic and hydrometric data in a discontinuous permafrost catchment. Hydrology Research. 41, 508-519. doi: 10.2166/nh.2010.146.
Bewley, D., R. Essery, J.W. Pomeroy and C. Menard. 2010. Measurements and modelling of snowmelt and turbulent heat fluxes over shrub tundra. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1331-1340.
Carey, S. and J.W. Pomeroy. 2009 Progress in Canadian snow and frozen ground hydrology, 2003-2007. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 34(2). 127-138.
Quinton WL, Bemrose RK, Zhang Y, Carey SK. 2009. The influence of spatial variability in snowmelt and active layer thaw on hillslope drainage for an alpine tundra hillslope. Hydrological Processes, 23, 2628-2639DOI: 10.1002/hyp 7327
MacDonald, M.K., Pomeroy, J.W. and A. Pietroniro. 2009. Parameterising redistribution and sublimation of blowing snow for hydrological models: tests in a mountainous subarctic catchment. Hydrological Processes, DOI:10.1002/hyp.7356.
Kinar, N. and J.W. Pomeroy 2009. Automated determination of snow water equivalent by acoustic reflectometry. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(9). 3161-3167.
Shirazi, T., Allen, D., Quinton, W., and J.W. Pomeroy 2009. Estimating soil thaw energy in sub-Alpine tundra at the hillslope scale, Wolf Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada. Hydrology Research, 40.1, 1-18.
Zhang Y, Carey SK, Quinton WL. 2008. Evaluation of the algorithms and parameterizations for ground thawing and freezing simulation in permafrost regions. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 113, D17116, doi:10.1029/2007JD009343.
Quinton WL, Carey SK. 2008 Towards an energy-based runoff generation theory for tundra landscapes. Hydrological Processes, 22, 4649-4653.
Dornes, P.F., Tolson, B.A., Davison, B., Pietroniro, A., Pomeroy, J.W., and P. Marsh. 2008. Regionalisation of land surface hydrological model parameters in subarctic and arctic environments. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Doi 10.1016/j/pce.2008.07.007.
Dornes, P.F, Pomeroy, J.W., Pietroniro, A. and D.L. Verseghy. 2008. Effects of spatial aggregation of initial conditions and forcing data on modelling snowmelt using a land surface scheme. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9, 789-803.
Dornes, P.F., Pomeroy, J.W., Pietroniro, A., Carey, S.K., and W. L. Quinton. 2008. Influence of landscape aggregation in modelling snow-cover ablation and snowmelt runoff in a sub-arctic mountainous environment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 53(4), 725-740.
Carey SK, Debeer CM. 2008. Rainfall-runoff hydrograph characteristics in a discontinuous permafrost watershed and their relation to ground thaw. In: Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, 233-238.
Pomeroy, J.W., Gray, DM, Brown, T., Hedstrom, N.H., Quinton, W.L., Granger, R.J. and S.K. Carey. 2007. The cold regions hydrological model: a platform for basing process representation and model structure on physical evidence. Hydrological Processes, 21, 2650-2667.
Carey SK, Quinton WL, Goeller NT. 2007. Field and laboratory estimates of pore size properties and hydraulic characteristics for subarctic organic soils. Hydrological Processes, 21, 2560-2571.
Bewley, D., J.W. Pomeroy and R.L.H. Essery, 2007. Solar radiation transfer through a sub-arctic shrub canopy. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 39(3), 365-374.
Pomeroy, J.W., D.S. Bewley, R.L.H. Essery, N.R. Hedstrom, T. Link, R.J. Granger, J.E. Sicart, C.R. Ellis, and J.R. Janowicz. 2006. Shrub tundra snowmelt. Hydrological Processes, 20, 923-941.
Sicart, J-E, J.W. Pomeroy, R.L.H. Essery and D. Bewley. 2006. Incoming longwave radiation to melting snow: observations, sensitivity and estimation in northern environments. Hydrological Processes, 20, 3697-3708.
Granger, R.J., J.W. Pomeroy and R.L.H Essery. 2006. Boundary layer growth over snow and soil patches. Hydrological Processes. 20, 943-951.
Essery, R.L.H., R.J. Granger and J.W. Pomeroy. 2006. Boundary layer growth and advection of heat over snow and soil patches: modelling and parameterization. Hydrological Processes, 20, 953-967.
McCartney, S.E., S.K. Carey and J.W. Pomeroy. 2006. Intra-basin variability of snowmelt water balance calculations in a subarctic catchment. Hydrological Processes, 20, 1001-1016.
Quinton, W.L., T. Shirazi, S.K. Carey and J.W. Pomeroy, 2005. Soil water storage and active layer development in a sub-alpine tundra hillslope, southern Yukon Territory, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 16, 269-382.
Carey SK, Quinton WL. 2005. Evaluation of runoff generation during summer using hydrometric, stable isotope and hydrochemical methods in a discontinuous permafrost environment. Hydrological Processes, 19, 95-114
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2005. Freezing of subarctic hillslopes, Wolf Creek Basin, Yukon. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 37: 1-10.
Bewley, D., J.W. Pomeroy and R. Essery, 2005. Processes of solar radiation transfer through a sub-arctic shrub canopy. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 62. 109-128.
Sicart, J.E., Pomeroy, J.W., Essery, R.L.H., Hardy, J.E., Link T. and D. Marks 2004. A sensitivity study of daytime net radiation during snowmelt to forest canopy and atmospheric conditions. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5. 774-784.
Quinton WL, Carey SK, Goeller NT. 2004. Snowmelt runoff from northern alpine tundra hillslopes: major processes and methods of simulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8, 877-890.
Pomeroy, J.W., R.L.H. Essery and B. Toth. 2004. Implications of spatial distributions of snow mass and melt rate on snow-cover depletion: observations in a subarctic mountain catchment. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 195-201.
Janowicz JR, Hedstrom N, Pomeroy J, Granger R, Carey SK. 2004. Wolf Creek Research Basin water balance studies. In: Northern Research Basins Water Balance, King DL, Yang D (Eds), IAHS publ. 290, 195-204.
Essery, R.L.H. and J.W. Pomeroy. 2004. Implications of spatial distributions of snow mass and melt rate on snowcover depletion: theoretical considerations. Annals of Glaciology, 38, 261-265.
Carey SK, Quinton, WL. 2004. Evaluating snowmelt runoff generation in a discontinuous permafrost catchment using stable isotope, hydrochemical and hydrometric data. Nordic Hydrology, 35: 309-324.
Sicart, J.E., Pomeroy, J.W., Essery, R.L.H. and J. Hardy. 2003. Snowmelt in a Canadian spruce forest: a sensitivity study to canopy cover. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 60. 99-110.
Janowicz, R.J, Gray, D.M. and J.W. Pomeroy. 2003. Spatial variability of fall soil moisture and spring snow water equivalent within a mountainous sub-arctic watershed. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 60. 127-139.
Pomeroy, J.W., B. Toth, R.J. Granger, N.R. Hedstrom, R.L.H Essery, 2003. Variation in surface energetics during snowmelt in complex terrain. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(4), 702-716.
Carey SK. 2003. Dissolved organic carbon fluxes in a discontinuous permafrost subarctic alpine catchment. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 14, 161-171
Pomeroy, J.W., D.M. Gray, N.R. Hedstrom, J.R. Janowicz. 2002. Prediction of seasonal snow accumulation in cold climate forests. Hydrological Processes, 16, 3543-3558.
Pomeroy, J.W., Gray, D.M., Hedstrom, N.R. and J.R. Janowicz. 2002. Physically based estimation of seasonal snow accumulation in the boreal forest. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 58. 93-108.
Granger, R.J., Pomeroy, J.W. and J. Parviainen. 2002. Boundary layer integration approach to advection of sensible heat to a patchy snow cover. Hydrological Processes, 16, 3559-3569.
Janowicz, J.R., Gray, D.M. and J.W. Pomeroy. 2002. Characterisation of snowmelt infiltration scaling parameters within a mountainous sub-arctic watershed. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 58. 67-81.
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2002. Hydrogeomorphic Relations among Soil Pipes, Flow Pathways, and Soil Detachments within a Permafrost Hillslope. Physical Geography, 23, 95-114.
Pomeroy, J.W., Hanson, S. and D. Faria. 2001. Small-scale variation in snowmelt energy in a boreal forest: an additional factor controlling depletion of snow cover? Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 58. 85-96.
Gray, D.M., Toth, B., Pomeroy, J.W., Zhao, L. and R.J. Granger. 2001. Estimating areal snowmelt infiltration into frozen soils. Hydrological Processes. 15. 3095-3111.
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2001. Slope runoff processes and flow generation in a subarctic, subalpine catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 253, 110-119
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2001. Spatial variability of hillslope water balance, Wolf Creek basin, subarctic Yukon. Hydrological Processes, 15, 3151-3166
Woo, M.K., P. Marsh and J.W. Pomeroy. 2000. Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1995-98. Hydrological Processes, 1591-1611.
Fortin, G., J. Pomeroy and M. Bernier. 2000. Albedo and snow properties during ablation in a sub-arctic alpine environment. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 57. 23-24.
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2000. Within slope variability of ground heat flux, Subarctic Yukon. Physical Geography, 21, 407-417.
Carey SK, Woo MK. 2000. The role of soil pipes as a slope runoff mechanism, SubarcticYukon, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 233, 206-222
Buttle, J., I. Creed and J.W. Pomeroy. 2000. Advances in Canadian Forest hydrology, 1995-1998. Hydrological Processes, 1551-1578.
Carey SK, Woo MK. 1999. Hydrology of two slopes in subarctic Yukon, Canada. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2549-2562
Carey SK, Woo MK. 1998. Snowmelt hydrology of two subarctic slopes, southern Yukon, Canada. Nordic Hydrology, 29, 331-346
Carey SK. Woo MK. 1998. The role of ground ice in active layer thaw. In: Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Permafrost, Yellowknife, Canada, 127-131.
Non-Refereed Papers in Journals
Pomeroy J. Wolf Creek Research Basin. Dec 2016. Mountain Views/Mountain Meridian Vol. 10(2), pp. 30-31
Pomeroy J.W., Bernhardt M. and Marks D. 2015. Water resources: Research network to track alpine water. Nature, 521, 32-32.
Pomeroy J.W. 2014. A Fellow Speaks: Pursuing Snow to Advance Canadian Hydrology. American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section Newsletter: 7, 19-22.
Published in Conference Proceedings
Janowicz, J.R. and J.W. Pomeroy. 2011. Climate change impacts on snowmelt and runoff in a subarctic mountain basin. In: Bruland, O., Sand, K. and A. Killingtveit (eds). Proceedings of the 18th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Western Norway. Statkraft Energy AS, Oslo, Norway. p. 52.
Dornes, P.F., Pomeroy, J.W., Pietroniro, A., Carey, S.K. & W.L. Quinton, 2006. The use of inductive and deductive reasoning to model snowmelt runoff from northern mountain catchments. In: Voinov, A., Jakeman, A.J., Rizzoli, A.E. (eds). Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: "Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Burlington, USA, July 2006. CD ROM. Internet: http://www.iemss.org/iemss2006/sessions/all.html
Quinton, W., Carey, S., Hayashi, M., Marsh, P., Pietroniro, A., Pomeroy, J. 2005. Representation of snow and soil moisture in land surface models. In, (eds. P. di Cenzo and H. Woo) Proceedings of the 10th Mackenzie GEWEX Study Scientific Workshop. Environment Canada, Saskatoon.
Pomeroy, J.W., D.M. Gray, R.J. Granger, P. Marsh, N. Hedstrom, R. Janowicz, R. Essery and R. Harding. 2001. Biome-scale representation of snow cover development and ablation in boreal and tundra ecosystems. In, (ed. G. Strong) The Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) Phase 1 Final Reports and Proceedings, 6th Scientific Workshop.. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 70-80.
Granger, R.J., J.W. Pomeroy, N. Bussieres and R. Janowicz. 2001. Parameterization of evapotranspiration using remotely-sensed data.. In, (ed. G. Strong) The Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) Phase 1 Final Reports and Proceedings, 6th Scientific Workshop.. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 120-129.
Gray, D.M., J.W. Pomeroy, C.P. Maulé, D.H. Male and P. Marsh. 2001. Hydrological processes in cold regions. In, (ed. G. Strong) The Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) Phase 1 Final Reports and Proceedings, 6th Scientific Workshop.. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 38-69.
Pomeroy, J.W., D.M. Gray, R.J. Granger, P. Marsh, N. Hedstrom and R.S.L. Essery. 2000. Biome-scale representation of snow cover development and ablation in boreal and tundra ecosystems. In, (ed. G. Strong) Proceedings of the 5th Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS). Environment Canada, Edmonton. 42-44.
Pomeroy, J.W. and D.M. Gray. 2000. Snow and frozen soil processes in northern and western Canada. Research Report of IHAS No. 7. Proceedings of the GAME-MAGS International Workshop. Ohata, T.(Editor). Nov. 1999, Edmonton, Alberta. Institute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. 96-103.
Gray, D.M., J.W. Pomeroy, C.P. Maulé, D.H. Male and P. Marsh. 2000. Hydrological processes in cold regions. In, (ed. G. Strong) Proceedings of the 5th Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS). Environment Canada, Edmonton. 65-74.
Pomeroy, J.W. 1999. Biome scale representation of snow cover development and ablation in boreal and tundra ecosystems. In, (ed. G. Strong) Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 43-50.
Pomeroy, J.W. and A. Pietroniro. 1999. Progress and future prospects of the MAGS research basins. In, (ed. G. Strong) Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 192-194.
Gray, D.M., J.W. Pomeroy, C.P. Maulé, D.H. Male and P. Marsh. 1999. Hydrological processes in cold regions. In, (ed. G. Strong) Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 51-57
Pomeroy, J.W. 1998. Biome-scale representation of snow cover development in boreal and tundra ecosystems. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 40-43.
Gray, D.M., D.H. Male, C.P. Maulé, J.W. Pomeroy and P. Marsh. 1998. Hydrological processes in cold regions. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 44-48.
Granger, R.J., J.W. Pomeroy, N. Bussières and R. Janowicz. 1998. Parameterization of evapotranspiration using remotely-sensed data. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 69-72.
Pomeroy, J.W. 1998. Land surface process studies. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 118-119.
Pomeroy, J.W., R.J. Granger, A. Pietroniro, G. Kite and J.R. Janowicz. 1998. Biome-scale representation of snow cover development in boreal and tundra ecosystems. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 30-32.
Gray, D.M., D.H. Male, C.P. Maulé, J.W. Pomeroy and P. Marsh. 1998. Hydrological processes in cold regions. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon. 33-34.
Granger, R.J., J.W. Pomeroy, R. Janowicz and N. Bussières. 1998. Parameterization of evapotranspiration using remotely-sensed data. In, (ed G. Strong) Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Workshop for the Mackenzie GEWEX Study [MAGS]. Environment Canada, Saskatoon.73-74.
Kinar, N. and J.W. Pomeroy 2009. Operational techniques for determining SWE by sound propagation through snow: I. General theory. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 65, 301-323.
Kinar, N. and J.W. Pomeroy 2009. Operational techniques for determining SWE by sound propagation through snow: II. Instrumentation and testing. Proceedings of the Eastern Snow Conference, 65, 19-33.
Janowicz, J.R., Gray, D.M. and J.W. Pomeroy, 1997. Snowmelt and runoff in a subarctic mountain basin. In, (ed. D. Milburn) Proceedings of the Hydro-ecology Workshop on the Arctic Environmental Strategy. NHRI Symposium No. 16, 303-320.
Technical Reports
J.R. Janowicz and J.W. Pomeroy. 1993. Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon. Minister of Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa. 10p.