CCRN 2nd Annual General Meeting (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, October 19-22, 2014)
The second CCRN annual general meeting (AGM) was held in Waterloo, Ontario, at Wilfrid Laurier University on 19–22 October, 2014, with 91 participants in attendance and 61 oral and poster presentations given over 3½ days. The AGM also provided the opportunity for several other events in association, including a full day meeting of students and post-doctoral fellows in the network on 19 October, an afternoon workshop on collaborative partnerships in northern science on 22 October, and meetings of the CCRN’s Board of Directors and Science Committee. Overall, the CCRN AGM and other associated meetings and events were highly productive. Presentations revealed the depth and wide range of activities and progress made over the past year and discussions shaped the future direction and goals of network activities and Themes. The meeting also enabled further building of collaborative relationships between the network members, and with some key partners.