The Soil Moisture Working Committee has drafted a "Way Forward" for soil moisture monitoring in Canada...

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Workshop on Soil Moisture Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction in Agricultural Landscapes

The first of many workshops was focussed on "Soil Moisture Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction in Agricultural Landscapes" and was held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on June 19-20, 2007. The workshop objectives were to assess and draft a way forward to address the needs for soil moisture monitoring, analysis and prediction in agricultural landscapes. Soil moisture data users and collectors/producers were invited from federal and provincial departments, academia and the private sector. This workshop was seen as a first step in a longer process to develop a soil moisture monitoring strategy for Canada.

Specific workshop goals were to:

  • Improve understanding of the status of soil moisture information in Canada
  • Identify user requirements
  • Characterize information requirements and gaps
  • Draft a process to address information requirements and gaps
  • Identify and commit to short-term collaboration opportunities



Workshop Presentations

Final Report
