IP3 Theme 2 Workshop (Return to workshops)
17 June 2008: Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario
(Return to workshops)
Session 2 - Parameterisation: Perspectives and Approaches
Masaki Hayashi: What is Hydrological Parameterisation?
Sean Carey: Thoughts on Parameterisation (from a process person)
Murray Mackay: Thoughts on the Parameterisation of Physical Processes (by way of an example)
Pablo Dornes: Snowmelt Parameterisation of Land Surface Hydrological Models in Subarctic and Arctic Basins
Ric Soulis and Frank Seglenieks: Upscaling Strategies for Integrated Modelling in IP3
Session 4 - Breakout Group Reports and Summary Discussion
Breakout Group 1: Parameterising Snowmelt Processes in Two Mountain Watersheds
Breakout Group 2: Breakout group summary
John Pomeroy: Response: Issues for Parameterisation
Session 5 - Reflections and Feedback from Modellers
Diana Verseghy: Reflections
Bryan Tolson: IP3 Basins Modelled with MESH
Frank Seglenieks: My MESH Modelling Approach