IP3 CRHM Training Course
IP3, the cold regions hydrological research network (http://www.usask.ca/ip3)
is offering a free training course on CRHM, the Cold Regions
Hydrological Model. This 1-day intensive training course will
take place in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Monday, 15 June 2009 and is open to
anyone interested in using process modelling to predict the
hydrological cycle, primarily in cold regions.
Further information on CRHM and a few of its applications can be found
at the following locations:
Registration for the CRHM course is free, and snacks and lunch will be
provided. Participation is limited to 28 people, so early
registration is encouraged. To register, please send an
e-mail to
Julie Friddell
with your expression of interest and your contact information.