Photos / images
- Canadian Wheat Board photographs of the 2002 drought (courtesy of Craig Douglas, CWB)
- Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration photographs taken from the PFRA 1999 Image Library CD (volume 2)
- This Special Collection from the National Snow and Ice Data Centre features repeat photography of Alaskan glaciers, expressing a captivating visual story of the changes glaciers have experienced through time; the full data collection including a searchable online database can be found here.
- Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
- Fall 2008 pictures near Sherwood Park, AB (including fire damage) and Cooking Lake moraine, east of Edmonton near Miquelon Lakes Provincial Park (courtesy of Toso Bozic, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development)
any photographs or images that you have depicting the
recent drought across the Canadian Prairies; these can also include
relevant and/or interesting images representing changes in climatic
conditions over time.