Recent News
This page includes current news items and website updates related to the Drought Research Initiative; please click on the items below for further information.
- 2010 DRI Final Report is posted.
- DRI Legacy Efforts have been summarized.
- Climate Uncertainty: What it Means for Water Planning and Policy. Presention by John Pomeroy as part of the U of S' Water Week which presented some results of DRI.
- Hydrological extremes: from droughts to floods" is a session which may be of special interest to DRI participants which will be held during the European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03-08 April 2011.
- Information and Registration now available for the Extremes Workshop
- John Pomeroy will be giving a seminar entitled Advancing Hydrological Processes to Better Predict Water Resources in Canada on November 4 at the University of Waterloo
- DRI Professional Document Final Draft- authors click here to access it for final review. To get username and password please contact DRI.
- Public version of the 2009 DRI Annual Report is now available here
- Two Prediction in Ungagued Basins (PUB) workshops upcoming in Alberta in 2011
DRI Data page is now searchable to facilitate drought data discovery. Email suggestions for additional datasets to include and or any issues to DRI
CUAHSI cyberseminar September 17 on "Advancing hydrological processes to better predict hydrology in cold regions" by John Pomeroy.
- Presentation by John Pomeroy entitled "Drought, Climate Variability and Water Resources in Western Canada" presented at (ISACS-3) in China now available
- An article entitled "Drought" in the Canadian Encyclopedia revised by Barrie Bonsal and Ron Stewart, highlighting some results of DRI, is now available online
- Zha, T., A. G. Barr, G. van der Kamp, T.A. Black, J. H. McCaughey and L. B. Flanagan, 2010: Interannual variability in evapotranspiration from forest and grassland ecosystems in western Canada in relation to drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 1476-1484. [doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.08.003]. Contact Garth Van der Kamp for a copy
- John Pomeroy on Western Canadian Water in The Ottawa Citizen
- Presentations for the 2010 DRI Annual Workshop are now posted
- Presentations for the GEO-DRI Workshop are now posted
- Presentations from the Prairie Hydrology workshop now available
- Canada Research Chair (NSERC – Tier 2) in Environmental or Sustainability Science Opportunity
- Prairie Hydrology Workshop details now available
- Presentations from the Second DRI Drought Prediction Workshop are now available
- The DRI Data Legacy section of the website is now operational
- Online DEWS Exercise now operational
- Drought in Canada and DRI now on Wikipedia
- NEW 2009 Prairie Drought Conditions Page is now available
- Link to updated CHANGE workshop site
- CHANGE Event Summary is available
- View the winning DRI poster
- Phillip Harder has taken over the webmaster duties from Peter Lawford. For any website related issues please contact him
- DRI Precip and Indices Workshop Summary and Presentations available
- Preparation is commencing for the publication of a DRI Special Issue
- DRI is holding a poster competition
- Information is available on the DRI water bottles
- WHEATON, E., KULSHRESHTHA, S., WITTROCK, V., and KOSHIDA, G. 2008 'Dry times: lessons from the Canadian drought of 2001 and 2002' The Canadian Geographer 52(2): 241-262 contact E.Wheaton
- Luminus Magazine has an article on Ken Snelgrove and DRI Canada.
- 2007 DRI Annual Report is now available online.
- Presentations from the third annual DRI workshop are now available.
- DRI welcomes Aaron Berg as its most recent collaborator
- 'DRI Snow Thesis': Xing Fang recently successfully defended his M.Sc. Thesis "Snow Hydrology of Canadian Prairie Droughts: Model Development and Application" in the Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan. This research was funded by DRI.
- 1-km
Land Surface Data (Land Cover and Soil Texture)
- Observation
Well Data for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
- NEW precipitation database links available from the Data page
- Presentations from the DRI
Evaporation Workshop held on May 17, 2007 in Saskatoon, SK
- Presentations from the CMOS/CGU/AMS
Congress 2007 held May 28-June 1, 2007 in St.John's, NL
- South
Saskatchewan River Basin Project - Data Library
- WMO Press Release on Extreme Weather and Climate Events
- Presentations from the DRI Prediction Workshop held on September 20, 2007 in Montreal, PQ