Many individual and collective research activities will be carried out within DRI. Information on these activities and their results will be added to this site as DRI proceeds.
Individual Research
- Canadian Lightning Detection Network - ASCII data on all lightning events within the CLDN real-time delivery region (1997-2005) can be made available by contacting John Hanesiak.
- 1st and 2nd Generation Crop Phenology and Water-Use Models - enquiries through Rick Raddatz or Julian Brimelow.
Research Sites and Datasets
- A-GAME (Alberta GPS Atmospheric Moisture Evaluation): GPS moisture data, radiosonde data, surface transect data, radar images – enquiries through or
- ALHAP (Alberta Hail Project): radar, aircraft, surface precipitation and upper-air data (1979-'85,'89,'91)
- AmeriFlux Network: a network providing continuous observations of ecosystem level exchanges of CO2, water, energy and momentum; currently composed of sites from North America, Central America, and South America.
- Assiniboine Delta Aquifer: resurrected dataset from Manitoba Conservation – enquiries through
- Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS) – enquiries through
- Bratt's Lake – enquiries through
- Fluxnet-Canada Data Portal (registration required)
- South Saskatchewan River Basin Project – enquiries through Matt Regier
- St. Denis National Wildlife Area – enquiries through
- West Nose Creek: groundwater monitoring and hydrometeorological data – enquiries through
Surface Moisture and Precipitation Trends
- Climate trends in surface mixing ratio, Edmonton, 1971-2000
- Climate trends in surface mixing ratio, Saskatoon, 1971-2000
- Climate trends in surface mixing ratio, Winnipeg, 1971-2000
- Climate trends in surface mixing ratio, Whitehorse, 1971-2000
- Winter/Summer trends in surface mixing ratio, YXD/YXE/YWG, 1971-2000
- North-South Cross-section of Seasonal Precipitation, Inuvik to Lethbridge, 1971-2000
- West-East Cross-section of Seasonal Precipitation, Grand Cache to Winnipeg, 1971-2000