288 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
For the past five years the Drought Research Initiative, an effort funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science (CFCAS) has been studying the 1999-2004/05 drought to understand the processes that led to its formation, propagation and termination; to characterize the event in terms of its impacts on hydrology, agriculture, forestry and other resources, and to determine how this experience can be used to develop better prediction systems. This research has led to the spin-off of a number of ideas, methodologies and model developments that have benefitted, or have the potential to benefit, provincial and federal government agencies involved in renewable resource management in all parts of western Canada. The DRI users workshop will focus on those findings that are most relevant for users and explore ways in which the DRI results could be implemented in operational environments. Included in the workshop will be a “hands-on” exercise, known as DEWS (Drought Early Warning System), that will provide experts in operations and applications to give specific feedback on some of the data products that have been developed in DRI.
This workshop has been strategically scheduled to follow the AAFC Drought Preparedness Partnernship (DPP) pilot workshop that is scheduled for January 13, 2010. Many of the ideas in the DEWS system have been developed in close collaboration with DPP. Furthermore DRI has benefited from its close collaboration with AAFC and its Manitoba partners such as Manitoba Water Stewardship and Manitoba Agriculture. It is hoped that some of the attendees at the AAFC will also be able to participate in the DRI users’ workshop to ensure that their ideas are shared with the research community.
- Rick Lawford-Introduction
- John Hanesiak-The DRI Drought Characterization Synthesis and its importance for drought monitoring
- Harvey Hill-The Partners Advisory Committee: The users advocates
- Elaine Wheaton-Drought Impacts
- Paul Bullock-Agricultural drought and impacts on wheat quality
- Al Woodbury-Coupling Nitrogen Transport and Transformation Model with Land Surface Scheme SABAE-HW and its Application on the Canadian Prairies
- Trevor Hadwen-Drought Monitoring
- Irene Hanuta- Feedback from the Agricultural Sector
- Phillip Harder, Rick Lawford and Elaine Wheaton-Drought Early Warning System Table-Top Exercise
- Phillip Harder-DRI Data Legacy Plans
- Rick Lawford-Other DRI
Legacy Plans