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Board of Directors
Scientific Committee
CRH Users' Group


IP3 researchers are listed below with links to their e-mail address, personal homepage (where applicable), and the institution with which they are affiliated.

If you are interested in becoming a new Collaborator or Partner of the IP3 Network, we welcome your application.  Please see the Procedure for New Collaborators and Partners for further information.






Sean Carey E-mail www Carleton University
Richard Essery E-mail www University of Edinburgh
Raoul Granger E-mail www Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch
Masaki Hayashi E-mail www University of Calgary
Rick Janowicz E-mail www Yukon Environment
Philip Marsh E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
Scott Munro E-mail www University of Toronto
Alain Pietroniro E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
John Pomeroy E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
William Quinton E-mail www Wilfrid Laurier University
Ken Snelgrove E-mail www Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ric Soulis E-mail www University of Waterloo
Chris Spence E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
Diana Verseghy E-mail www (CCRP) University of Waterloo



Name Homepage Affiliation
Peter Blanken www University of Colorado
Tom Brown   University of Saskatchewan
Douglas Clark www Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK
James Craig www/www University of Waterloo
Bruce Davison   Environment Canada, MSC Hydrometeorology and Arctic Lab
Mike Demuth www Natural Resources Canada - State and Evolution of Canada's Glaciers
Vincent Fortin   Environment Canada, Meteorological Research Branch - Numerical Prediction Research
Ron Goodson   Environment Canada, MSC Hydrometeorology and Arctic Lab
Richard Heck www University of Guelph
Newell Hedstrom www Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch
Chris Hopkinson www Applied Geomatics Research Group, Centre of Geographic Sciences
Steve Liang www University of Calgary
Tim Link www University of Idaho
Murray Mackay   Environment Canada, Climate Research Branch
Danny Marks www USDA - Agricultural Research Service
Joni Onclin   University of Saskatchewan
Stefan Pohl    
Bob Reid   Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Water Resources
Nick Rutter   Northumbria University, UK
Rob Schincariol www University of Western Ontario
Frank Seglenieks www University of Waterloo
Kevin Shook   University of Saskatchewan
Jean Sicart www Institute de Recherche pour le Développement, Marseille, France
Mike Solohub   University of Saskatchewan
Uli Strasser www University of Graz, Austria
Bryan Tolson www University of Waterloo
Brenda Toth   Environment Canada, MSC Hydrometeorology and Arctic Lab
Cherie Westbrook www University of Saskatchewan
Adam Winstral www USDA - Agricultural Research Service



IP3 Secretariat contact details

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This page last updated 28 May, 2010