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International Polar Year - IPY

The IPY Website states that "The International Polar Year is a large scientific programme focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic from March 2007 to March 2009. IPY, organized through the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), is actually the fourth polar year, following those in 1882-3, 1932-3, and 1957-8. In order to have full and equal coverage of both the Arctic and the Antarctic, IPY 2007-8 covers two full annual cycles from March 2007 to March 2009 and will involve over 200 projects, with thousands of scientists from over 60 nations examining a wide range of physical, biological and social research topics. It is also an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate, follow, and get involved with, cutting edge science in real-time." IPY logo

The Canadian International Polar Year Committee has funded a project on Arctic ecology and hydrology led by Fred Wrona and Al Pietroniro. Theme 1 of this combined project, Cycling and Prediction of Freshwater in the Arctic, is led by IP3 Project Leader John Pomeroy and complements and augments the goals of IP3. Theme 1 aims to investigate the importance of water to Canadian polar regions and how availability of water may change in the future. These goals will be achieved via field observations in polar locations which are currently instrumented (existing long-term monitoring locations) as well as remote locations which have limited or no observational capabilities. Modelling studies will complement the field observations and aid in interpretation of the collected data.

The major objective is a comprehensive assessment of the current state of Canadian polar freshwater, including water in the Arctic islands. This work will provide insights into snow, rain, runoff, evaporation, and change in water storage in key polar environments during IPY and afterwards. Another result of the field campaigns, data assimilation, and process studies will be improved understanding of changes in the hydrologic cycle, including changes in snow cover, runoff, wetlands, and perennial snow patches. The expected advances from this study will benefit Canadian communities throughout the Arctic as well as scientific, commercial, and other operations in the region.

Monthly Reports are available from the IPY International Programme Office.


IPY Project Theme 1 Investigators and Collaborators
Name E-mail Homepage Affiliation
Barrie Bonsal E-mail www Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch
Sean Carey E-mail www Carleton University
Bruce Davison E-mail   Environment Canada, MSC Hydrometeorology and Arctic Lab
Stephen Dery E-mail www University of Northern British Columbia
Richard Essery E-mail www University of Edinburgh
Raoul Granger E-mail www Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch
Masaki Hayashi E-mail www University of Calgary
Rick Janowicz E-mail   Yukon Environment
Philip Marsh E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
Alain Pietroniro E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
John Pomeroy E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
Terry Prowse E-mail www Environment Canada, Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Research Branch
William Quinton E-mail www Wilfrid Laurier University
Bob Reid E-mail   Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Water Resources
Dale Ross E-mail   Water Survey of Canada
Ric Soulis E-mail www University of Waterloo
Chris Spence E-mail www University of Saskatchewan
Diana Verseghy E-mail   Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada
Kathy Young E-mail www York University

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This page last updated 28 May, 2010