Masaki Hayashi's work on groundwater flow related to hot springs in Banff National Park has been posted as a short video on YouTube. (29 April 2010)
IP3's April Newsletter is now available. (25 April 2010)
The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium's March 2010 Newsletter contains a report on the "Principles of Hydrology" course offered at the University of Calgary's Biogeoscience Institute in March. (20 April 2010)
John Pomeroy has been invited to provide a presentation to the "Bacon and Eggheads" Parliamentary lecture series in Ottawa, on 27 May 2010. The Bacon and Eggheads series is held once per month when Parliament is in session and is aimed at bringing together Parliamentarians and Canadian scientists and engineers to communicate important scientific work to key decision makers. John will present "Uncertain Western Water and Canadian Food Security." Bacon and Eggheads is sponsored by PAGSE, the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering. (23 March 2010)
Bob Sandford, IP3-WC2N Cold Regions Hydrology User Group member and chairman of the Canadian Partnership Initiative of the UN Water for Life Decade, has been interviewed for an article on the poor record of water conservation in Canada. "Water is being squandered, says study" appeared in the Calgary Herald on 18 March 2010. (23 March 2010)
John Pomeroy is proud to announce that IP3 Ph.D. student Warren Helgason has completed his Thesis entitled Energy Fluxes at the Air-Snow Interface! Congratulations Warren to a job well done! (15 March 2010)
The Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Water Resources Association offered a course on "Principles of Hydrology" at the University of Calgary's Biogeoscience Institute 2-12 March 2010. Over 40 graduate students and young professionals participated in this intensive classroom and field course. An article on the course, Hydrology course establishes Bow Valley as national centre, was written for the local newspaper. The article appears with permission from the Rocky Mountain Outlook. (15 March 2010)
Bob Sandford, member of the IP3-WC2N Cold Regions Hydrology User Group and author, was interviewed by the Rocky Mountain Outlook on the current state and future expectations for the Columbia Icefield - "Columbia Icefield shrinking fast," Rocky Mountain Outlook, 4 February 2010. This article appears with permission from the Rocky Mountain Outlook. (10 March 2010)
John Pomeroy's IP3 hydrometeorological research in Marmot Creek was highlighted in an article in the Rocky Mountain Outlook, "K-Country ridge guards treasure trove of data," Rocky Mountain Outlook, 21 January 2010. This article appears with permission from the Rocky Mountain Outlook. (10 March 2010)
CFCAS and Environment Canada are jointly hosting a Symposium on Canadian Water Security - The Critical Role of Science in Ottawa, 27-28 May 2010. IP3 and other researchers and decision makers from the academic, governmental and industrial community will present information on the context of water at home and abroad, on extreme conditions, the impact of climate on water quantity and quality, policy options and transboundary issues. All those with an interest in water resources are invited and encouraged to attend this event or share this invitation with others. (25 February 2010)
IP3 and WC2N (Western Canadian Cryospheric Network) members participated in a workshop on "Glaciers in the Columbia Basin - Glacial Recession Research" in Golden, BC, on 1 February 2010. This workshop was a joint outreach effort of both networks with the Columbia Basin Trust and others. There was also a full evening of presentations for the public on Our Glaciers. Our Legacy at the Golden Civic Centre. A detailed Agenda for the evening public presentations is available HERE. John Pomeroy provided a public presentation on Water in the Columbia, Effects of Climate Change, and Glacial Recession. The Revelstoke Times published an article 8 February 2010 on the public presentations, "Experts explore future of Columbia Basin glaciers." (updated 23 February 2010)
John Pomeroy has been invited to be the main convener for Theme 2.5, From land to ocean: Hydrological, coastal, near- shore and upper shelf processes in Polar Regions, at the International Polar Year's Oslo Science Conference. The meeting will be held 8-12 June 2010 in Oslo, Norway. Abstracts are due 20 January 2010. (3 January 2010)
IP3's December Newsletter is now available. (27 December 2009)
The deadline for the HESS (Hydrology and Earth System Sciences) Special Issue on "Cold Region Hydrology" has been extended to 15 January 2010. Please go to the HESS-Discussions page on-line to submit your manscript or view, review, or comment on the current submissions. (1 December 2009)
IP3 has been recognized as an Affiliate of the ACQWA (Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter) Project in Europe! IP3 members look forward to working with the ACQWA project members on hydrological observation and modelling activities in the coming months. (20 November 2009)
IP3 members Bob Sandford and Mike Demuth made presentations at the Whyte Museum in Banff, Alberta on Rocky Mountain glaciers and the work that IP3 and WC2N are undertaking to study their changes. The Canmore Leader covered the event. (20 November 2009)
John Pomeroy will be speaking at the University of Victoria at an upcoming meeting hosted by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC). The meeting is a Discussion Group of the Canadian Water Resources Association/Canadian Society of Hydrologic Sciences (CWRA/CSHS) and will be held on December 8th from 2:00 to 3:30 pm. The topic of the meeting will be modelling snow processes for climate change impact analyses: challenges and insights, and Dr. Pomeroy will speak on "Climate Sensitivity of Alpine Snow Regimes in the Canadian Rockies" (co-authors A. Sabourin, M. MacDonald). His presentation should be available on the PCIC website following the meeting. (16 November 2009)
In August, Kathy Young, Geography Professor at York University and a scientist with the IP3 and IPY projects, led 69 Arctic hydrologists, oceanographers, and others on a floating expedition to Baffin Island for the 17th International Northern Research Basins (NRB) Symposium and Workshop. IP3 scientists and students attended the Symposium, and the IP3 and WC2N Networks supported outreach activities in several ports-of-call during the cruise. York University has written three articles on the cruise: YFile - 5 August 2009, YFile - 26 August 2009, and YFile - 27 August 2009. Additionally, the NRB organizing committee has posted on-line minutes and reports from the meeting as well as professional photos documenting the symposium. (updated 12 November 2009)
Bob Sandford, member of the IP3/WC2N Cold Regions Hydrology Users' Group, has published a new book, "Restoring the Flow: Confronting the World's Water Woes," available from Rocky Mountain Books. (12 November 2009)
IP3 student Nicholas Kinar at the University of Saskatchewan has
recently been featured in articles in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix and a Saskatchewan Morning CBC radio show spot on measurement of snow-water equivalent by non-intrusive sonar (12 November 2009)
IP3 student Stacey Dumanski at the University of Saskatchewan has been
featured in articles in the
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix and 'The Sheaf', describing her fieldwork in
the Yukon Territory (October 2009)
IP3 members' work in hydrology and water resources has been featured in an article in Canadian Water Treatment, November/December 2009 and an article in Ottawa Life, October 2009. (12 November 2009)
Chris Spence and John Pomeroy are delighted to report that Ross Phillips, IP3 M.Sc. student at the University of Saskatchewan, has received the following fellowships and awards over the past two years: Univ. of Saskatchewan Dean’s Scholarship; National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Northern Research Internship; Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Northern Scientific Training Supplement; NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship; Association of Canadian University of Northern Studies (ACUNS) Garfield Weston Award for Northern Research; and the Univ. of Saskatchewan Department of Geography and Planning J.H. Richards Graduate Award. Congratulations, Ross! (2 November 2009)
A Workshop will be held in Yellowknife, NWT 22-23 September 2009 to discuss remediation options and plans for the Giant Mine site and the Baker Creek watershed. Baker Creek is one of IP3's research basins. IP3 members will participate in the meeting to provide expertise on the local hydrology. (18 September 2009)
A meeting was held at the Kluane Lake Research Station of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) in August 2009 to discuss Canadian participation in SCANNET, a circumarctic network of terrestrial field bases. It was decided that Kluane will be the first Canadian member of this network, with long-term goals to include further participation from other research sites in the western North American cordillera. Attendees of the meeting included representatives from several Canadian universities, the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, the Council of Yukon First Nations, and Yukon government. (18 September 2009)
Mike Demuth, IP3 Collaborator, works with the Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada and maintains a website of information pertinent to water resources, glaciology, and climate change in Canada. The site can be found at the following link, State and Evolution of Canada's Glaciers, and pertinent publications, including "Managing Water Resources in a Time of Global Change - Mountains, Valleys, and Floodplains," can be found under the "Announcements" tab. (19 August 2009)
The IP3 Secretariat has moved to Alberta! John Pomeroy and Julie Friddell are now working at the Biogeoscience Institute of the University of Calgary, in Kananaskis Country. John and Julie can be reached by mail at 16 - 100 Rundle Drive, Canmore, AB T1W 0B5 or by phone at 403-621-3770. (1 July 2009)
The first IP3 Newsletter is available for download! (8 June 2009)
James Craig is pleased to announce that Andy Snowdon, IP3 M.Sc. Student, has also received an Outstanding Student Paper Award for his presentation at the 2008 Fall Meeting of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) in San Francisco this past December. Cherie Westbrook and Chris Spence are also pleased to announce that May Guan, IP3 M.Sc. Student, has received an Outstanding Student Paper Award for her presentation at the 2008 Fall AGU. Great work, May and Andy! (updated 19 March 2009)
News archive for Notices before 2009 |