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The Centre for Hydrology has made its Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) available for public use by cold regions hydrologists and water resource managers. For information on downloading CRHM, please contact the IP3 Data & Information Manager. For technical support or questions on CRHM operation, please browse the Forum, or contact Tom Brown, the CRHM developer.

Environment Canada's Hydrometeorology and Arctic Laboratory in Saskatoon, with support from IP3, the International Polar Year (IPY), and the DRI (Drought Research Initiative) project, has produced a stand-alone version of the MEC - Surface and Hydrology (MESH) model that is available to investigators. MESH is being updated regularly in 2008 and can be downloaded HERE. An article describing MESH and its applications is available HERE. If you have difficulties with MESH, please contact Brenda Toth, MESH coordinator.

Technical Documentation for the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) version 3.4 is publicly available. For further information, please contact the CLASS developer, Diana Verseghy. All users are advised to read the licensing agreement in Appendix C prior to installation and use.

IP3 Collaborator James Craig is involved in the Environmental Modelling and Analysis Group at the University of Waterloo. His work focuses on numerical and semi-analytical approaches for modelling surface and groundwater flow.



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This page last updated 28 May, 2010