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Publications and Presentations resulting from IP3 research
Refereed Publications: Bewley, D., J. Pomeroy, and R. Essery, 2007, Solar Radiation Transfer through a Subarctic Shrub Canopy, Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39 (3), 365-374 (2007), doi: 1657/1523-0430(06-023)[BEWLEY]2.0.CO;2. Bussières, N. and R. Granger, 2007, Estimation of water temperature of large lakes in cold climate regions during the period of strong coupling between water and air temperatures fluctuations, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24, pp. 285-296 DOI: 10.1175/JTECH1973.1. Carey, S. and J. Pomeroy, 2009, Progress in Canadian snow and frozen ground hydrology, 2003-2007, Canadian Water Resources Journal 34(2), 127-138. Carey, S., W. Quinton, and N. Goeller, 2007, Field and laboratory estimates of pore size properties and hydraulic characteristics for subarctic organic soils, Hydrological Processes 21, 2560-2571, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6795. DeBeer, C. and J. Pomeroy, 2009, Modelling snowmelt and snowcover depletion in a small alpine cirque, Canadian Rocky Mountains, Hydrological Processes 23(18), 2584-2599, DOI:10.1002/hyp.7346. Demuth, M., V. Pinard, A. Pietroniro, B. Luckman, C. Hopkinson, P. Dornes, and L. Comeau, 2008, Recent and Past-century Variations in the Glacier Resources of the Canadian Rocky Mountains – Nelson River System, Terra Glacialis 11(248), 27-52. Dornes, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, S. Carey, and W. Quinton, 2008, Influence of landscape aggregation in modelling snow-cover ablation and snowmelt runoff in a subarctic mountainous environment, Hydrological Sciences Journal 53, 725-740. Dornes, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, and D. Verseghy, 2008, Effects of Spatial Aggregation of Initial Conditions and Forcing Data on Modelling Snowmelt Using a Land Surface Scheme, Journal of Hydrometeorology 9(4), 789-803, doi: 10.1175/2007JHM958.1. Ellis, C. and J. Pomeroy, 2007, Estimating sub-canopy shortwave irradiance to melting snow on forested slopes, Hydrological Processes 21, 2581-2593, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6794. Essery, R., P. Bunting, J. Hardy, T. Link, D. Marks, R. Melloh, J. Pomeroy, A. Rowlands, and N. Rutter, 2008, Radiative transfer modeling of a coniferous canopy characterized by airborne remote sensing, Journal of Hydrometeorology 9, 228-241. Essery, R., D. Marks, and P. Marsh, 2009, Subsurface, surface and atmospheric processes in cold regions hydrology, Hydrological Processes 23, 2496-2497, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7365. Essery, R., J. Pomeroy, C. Ellis, and T. Link, 2008, Modelling longwave radiation to snow beneath forest canopies using hemispherical photography or linear regression, Hydrological Processes 22(15), 2788-2800. Essery, R., N. Rutter, J. Pomeroy, R. Baxter, M. Stahli, D. Gustafsson, A. Barr, P. Bartlett, and K. Elder, 2009, SnowMip2: An evaluation of forest snow process simulations, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90, 1120-1135, DOI:10.1175/2009BAMS2629.1. Fang, X. and J. Pomeroy, 2009, Modelling blowing snow redistribution to Prairie wetlands, Hydrological Processes 23, 2557-2569, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7348. Hayashi, M., N. Goeller, W. Quinton, and N. Wright, 2007, A simple heat-conduction method for simulating frost table depth in hydrological models, Hydrological Processes 21, 2610–2622. Hood, J., J. Roy, and M. Hayashi, 2006, Importance of groundwater in the water balance of an alpine headwater lake, Geophysical Research Letters 33, L13405, 5 pp., doi: 10.1029/2006GL026611. Hopkinson, C., A. Pietroniro, and J. Pomeroy, 2008, HYDROSCAN: Airborne Laser Mapping of Hydrological Features and Resources, Canadian Water Resources Association, Cambridge, Ontario. 376 pp. Hopkinson, C., M. Hayashi, and D. Peddle, 2009, Comparing alpine watershed attributes from LiDAR, photogrammetric, and contour-based digital elevation models, Hydrological Processes 23, 451-463. Janowicz, J., 2008, Apparent recent trends in hydrologic response in permafrost regions of northwest Canada, Hydrology Research 39(4), 267-275. Kinar, N., 2007, Acoustic Sounding of Snow Water Equivalent, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan. Kinar, N. and J. Pomeroy, 2007, Determining snow water equivalent by acoustic sounding, Hydrological Processes 21, 2623-2640, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6793. Kinar, N. and J. Pomeroy, 2009, Automated determination of snow water equivalent by acoustic reflectometry, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47(9), 3161-3167. King, J., J. Pomeroy, D. Gray, C. Fierz, P. Föhn, R. Harding, R. Jordan, E. Martin, and C. Plüss, 2008, Snow-atmosphere energy and mass balance, in Snow and Climate, Physical Processes, Surface Energy Exchange and Modelling, R. Armstrong and E. Brun (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 70-124. MacDonald, M., J. Pomeroy, and A. Pietroniro, 2009, Parameterising redistribution and sublimation of blowing snow for hydrological models: tests in a mountainous subarctic catchment, Hydrological Processes 23, 2570-2583, DOI:10.1002/hyp.7356. Marks, D., M. Reba, J. Pomeroy, T. Link, A. Winstral, G. Flerchinger, and K. Elder, 2008, Comparing simulated and measured sensible and latent heat fluxes over snow under a pine canopy, Journal of Hydrometeorology 9(6), 1506-1522. Munro, S., 2006, Linking the Weather to Glacier Hydrology and Mass Balance at Peyto Glacier, in Demuth, M., S. Munro, and G. Young (eds.), Peyto Glacier: One Century of Science, National Hydrology Research Institute Science Report No. 8, pp. 135-175. Munro, S. and M. Marosz-Wantuch, 2009, Modeling Ablation on Place Glacier, British Columbia, from Glacier and Off-glacier Data Sets, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41(2), 1-11. Pohl, S., P. Marsh, C. Onclin, and M. Russell, 2009, The summer hydrology of a small upland tundra thaw lake: implications to lake drainage, Hydrological Processes 23, 2536-2546, 10.1002/hyp.7238. Pomeroy, J., D. Gray, T. Brown, N. Hedstrom, W. Quinton, R. Granger, and S. Carey, 2007, The Cold Regions Hydrological Model: A platform for basing process representation and model structure on physical evidence, Hydrological Processes 21, 2650-2667, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6787. Pomeroy, J., D. Gray, and P. Marsh, 2008, Studies on snow redistribution by wind and forest, snow-covered area depletion and frozen soil infiltration, in Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, the Mackenzie GEWEX Experience, Vol. 2: Hydrologic Processes, M.-K. Woo (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 81-96. Pomeroy, J., D. Marks, T. Link, C. Ellis, R. Essery, J. Hardy, A. Rowlands, and R. Granger, 2009, The impact of coniferous forest temperatures on incoming longwave radiation to melting snow, Hydrological Processes 23, 2513-2525, DOI 10.1002/hyp.7325. Pomeroy, J., A. Rowlands, J. Hardy, T. Link, D. Marks, R. Essery, J. Sicart, and C. Ellis, 2008, Spatial Variability of Shortwave Irradiance for Snowmelt in Forests, Journal of Hydrometeorology 9(6), 1482-1490. Quinton, W., R. Bemrose, Y. Zhang, and S. Carey, 2009, The influence of spatial variability in snowmelt and active layer thaw on hillslope drainage for an Alpine tundra hillslope, Hydrological Processes 23, 2628-2639, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7327. Quinton, W. and S. Carey, 2008, Towards an Energy-based Runoff Generation Theory for Tundra Landscapes, Hydrological Processes 22, 4649–4653. Quinton, W., T. Elliot, J. Price, F. Rezanezhad, and R. Heck, 2009, Measuring Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Peat from X-ray Tomography, Geoderma 153, 269-277. Quinton, W. and M. Hayashi, 2008, Recent Advances Toward Physically-based Runoff Modeling of the Wetland-dominated, Central Mackenzie River Basin, in Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience,Vol-2: Hydrological Processes, M.-K. Woo (ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 257-279. Reba, M., T. Link, D. Marks, and J. Pomeroy, 2009, An assessment of corrections for eddy covariance measured turbulent fluxes over snow in mountain environments, Water Resources Research 45, W00D38, doi:10.1029/2008WR007045. Roy, J. and M. Hayashi, 2007, Ground water – surface water interactions in alpine and subalpine catchments: A review of field studies, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 318, pp. 3-16. Roy, J. and M. Hayashi, 2009, Multiple, distinct groundwater flow systems of a single moraine-talus feature in an alpine watershed, Journal of Hydrology 373, 139-150. Roy, J., J. Robillard, S. Watson, and M. Hayashi, 2009, Non-intrusive characterization methods for wastewater-affected groundwater plumes discharging to an alpine lake, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149, 201-211. Rutter, N., R. Essery, J. Pomeroy, N. Altimir, K. Andreadis, I. Baker, A. Barr, P. Bartlett, A. Boone, H. Deng, H. Douville, E. Dutra, K. Elder, C. Ellis, X. Feng, A. Gelfan, A. Goodbody, Y. Gusev, D. Gustafsson, R. Hellstrom, Y. Hirabayashi, T. Hirota, T. Jonas, V. Koren, A. Kuragina, D. Lettenmaier, W.-P. Li, E. Martin, O. Nasanova, J. Pumpanen, R. Pyles, P. Samuelsson, M. Sandells, G. Schadler, A. Shmakin, T. Smirnova, M. Stahli, R. Stockli, U. Strasser, H. Su, K. Suzuki, K. Takata, K. Tanaka, E. Thompson, T. Vesala, P. Viterbo, A. Wiltshire, K. Xia, Y. Xue, and T. Yamazaki, 2009, Evaluation of forest snow process models (SnowMip2), Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 114, D06111, doi:10.1029/2008JD011063. Shirazi, T., D. Allen, W. Quinton, and J. Pomeroy, 2009, Estimating Soil Thaw Energy in Sub-Alpine Tundra at the Hillslope Scale, Wolf Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada, Hydrology Research 40(1), 1-18, doi: 10.2166/nh.2009.043. Spence, C., S. Hamilton, P. Whitfield, M. Demuth, D. Harvey, D. Hutchinson, B. Davison, T. Ouarda, J. Deveau, H. Goertz, J. Pomeroy, and P. Marsh, 2009, Invited Commentary: A framework for integrated research and monitoring (FIRM), Canadian Water Resources Journal 34(1), 1-6. Waddington, J., W. Quinton, J. Price, and P. Lafleur, 2009, Advances in Canadian Peatland Hydrology, 2003-2007, Canadian Water Resources Journal 34, 139-148. Wright, N., M. Hayashi, and W. Quinton, 2009, Spatial and temporal variations in active layer thawing and their implication on runoff generation in peat-covered permafrost terrain, Water Resources Research 45, W05414, doi: 10.1029/2008WR006880.
Other Publications: Boucher, J. and S. Carey, 2009, The hydrometric and hydrochemical role of channel icing (aufeis) on streamflow in a subarctic, subalpine watershed, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 10 pp. Carey, S., J. Boucher, and C. Duarte, 2009, A multi-year perspective on snowmelt runoff generation in an alpine subarctic catchment, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 9 pp. Endrizzi, S. and P. Marsh, 2009, Spatial variability of sensible and latent heat fluxes and snowmelt energetics in an arctic catchement due to landcover heterogeneity, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 12 pp. Friddell, J. and J. Pomeroy, 2008, Cold Regions Hydrology and Water Management: Bridging the Gap, Eos Trans. AGU 89(28), 256, doi: 10.1029/2008EO280004. Granger, R. and N. Hedstrom, 2006, Measuring and Modelling Evaporation from Crean Lake, PANP: Interim report, 2005 field season, Report to the Prince Albert National Park, 9 pp. Guan, X., C. Spence, and C. Westbrook, 2009, Spatiotemporal interaction of near-surface soil moisture content and frost table depth in a discontinuous permafrost environment, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 10 pp. Janowicz, R., 2008, Recent changes in hydrologic response observed in permafrost regions of northwest Canada, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Permafrost. Janowicz, R., 2009, Observed trends in river ice regimes of Northwest Canada, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 12 pp. Pomeroy, J., 2006, Research needed to secure water, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix Opinion-Editorial, 19 October. Quinton, W., M. Hayashi, and L. Chasmer, 2009, Peatland Hydrology in the Discontinuous Permafrost Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada. Strasser, U., M. Bernhardt, M. Weber, G. Liston, and W. Mauser, 2007, Is snow sublimation important in the alpine water balance?, The Cryosphere Discussion 1(2), 303-350. Strasser, U. and M. Vogel, 2008, Proceedings of the Alpine*Snow*Workshop (Munich, Germany, 5-6 October 2006), Berchtesgaden National Park Research Report 53, Berchtesgaden. Thorne, R., W. Quinton, S. Endrizzi, and P. Marsh, 2009, Defining the frost table topography in a tundra environment, Proceedings of the 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, Canada, 5 pp. Yilmaz, K., I. Yucel, H. Gupta, T. Wagener, D. Yang, H. Savenijie, C. Neale, H. Kunstmann, and J. Pomeroy, 2009, New Approaches to Hydrological Prediction in Data Sparse Regions, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication 333, IAHS Press, Wallingford, 342 pp.
Presentations:Presentations by John Pomeroy, IP3 Project Leader, and Bob Sandford, IP3 Partner (1 January 2009) An Integrated Hydrometeorological Observation and Prediction Network and What We Can Learn From the Ice. Conference on "Improving Water Security through Integrated Observation and Prediction Methods" (Hydrometeorological Network), Canmore, AB. Presentation by Mike Demuth, IP3 Collaborator (1 November 2008) Calgary's Water in a Changing Climate: Look Upstream. City of Calgary Water Resources Climate Change Symposium, Calgary, AB. Presentation by Julie Friddell, IP3 Network Manager (29 Sept 2007) Outreach presentation on IP3 Network activities, soliciting new collaboration and partnerships. WC2N Workshop, Banff, AB.
Presentation by Danny Marks, IP3 Collaborator, USDA, Boise, ID (6 February 2007) Research presentation given at the University of Saskatchewan on snow, melt, radiation, climate, and modeling in cold regions, Saskatoon, SK. Presentation by John Pomeroy, IP3 Project Leader ( 27 November 2006) This was presented on behalf of the IP3 Network at the Central Rockies Ecosystem Interagency Liaison Group meeting on "Future Landscapes in the Canadian Rockies: Integrating Human Dimensions with Ecosystem Management" in Canmore, AB. |
IP3 Secretariat contact details This page last updated 28 May, 2010 |