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Theme 2 - Parameterisation

The objective of Theme 2 is to improve the basin-scale parameterisations of cold regions processes for small to medium scale modelling.

Theme 2 Participants



Sean Carey Carleton University
Richard Essery University of Edinburgh, UK
Raoul Granger Environment Canada
Masaki Hayashi University of Calgary
Murray Mackay Environment Canada
Philip Marsh University of Saskatchewan
Scott Munro University of Toronto
John Pomeroy University of Saskatchewan
William Quinton (Theme Leader) Wilfrid Laurier University
Ken Snelgrove Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ric Soulis University of Waterloo
Chris Spence University of Saskatchewan
Diana Verseghy University of Waterloo

Process Parameterisation

The parameterisation strategy involves explicit recognition of the strong spatial heterogeneity of land surface hydrology processes with a hierarchy based on tiles (as small as hillslopes or landscape units), then sub-basins, and then aggregations of basins. This IP3 strategy recognizes the drainage basin as a basic land surface parameterisation unit and allows for testing of the transferability of parameterisations developed at point scales to small basin and larger scales. Processes are described up to the tile with accommodation for sub-tile variability. Tiles are aggregated according to observed interactions in the research basins. In some basins there are important horizontal interactions between tiles with water and snow moving horizontally from one tile to the next, while others can be considered to have tiles that only generate streamflow and vertical fluxes of radiation, water vapour, and sensible heat. These differences in landscape behaviour have great implications for the aggregation strategy employed in basin parameterisations.


Theme 2 Schedule, Milestones, and Deliverables

Year 1:

  • Setup CRHM at selected test basins representing each of the 4 regions (i.e. arctic, alpine, wetland, shield) in HRU and then GRU mode
  • Assess existing parameterizations against archives of mass and energy balances over complex terrain
  • Initial development of improved parameterizations including advection
  • Coordinate with the WC2N (CFCAS Network) group to acquire data set for testing mass and energy balance models over glaciated terrain
  • Assessment of MAGS aircraft for use in determining regionally averaged fluxes

Year 2:

  • Performance evaluation of CRHM in both GRU and HRU routing/aggregation modes against field and distributed modelling data
  • Evaluate MESH performance with reference to measured mass and energy balances, CRHM and distributed modelling data
  • Characterize surface parameter distributions
  • Develop improved snow, melt, subsurface flow, radiation and turbulent flux parameterizations

Year 3:

  • Incorporate numerical representations of snow redistribution, advection, lakes, landscape and water course connectivity, into CRHM and MESH
  • Develop up-scaled mass and energy balance equations for cryospheric processes in complex vegetated terrain
  • representation of regionally averaged fluxes over lake and snow dominated terrain

Year 4:

  • Test and evaluate CRHM and MESH (CLASS) with new algorithms, and compare model outputs to observations, distributed models and output of previous version. Revise code
  • Compare CRCM runs to observations, revise CLASS code as necessary
  • Implement parameterizations in coupled models



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This page last updated 28 May, 2010