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Theme 1 - Processes

The objective of Theme 1 is to assess and improve our understanding of cold regions hydro-meteorological processes and their interactions with the atmosphere, hydrological system, and biophysical properties of the surface.

Theme 1 Participants



Sean Carey (Theme Leader) Carleton University
Richard Essery University of Edinburgh, UK
Raoul Granger Environment Canada
Masaki Hayashi University of Calgary
Richard Janowicz Yukon Environment
Philip Marsh University of Saskatchewan
Scott Munro University of Toronto
John Pomeroy University of Saskatchewan
William Quinton Wilfrid Laurier University
Ken Snelgrove Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ric Soulis University of Waterloo
Chris Spence University of Saskatchewan
Diana Verseghy University of Waterloo

Field Observations

Field observations will be carried out in IP3's 10 research basins, 14 to 195 km2 in area. The research basins are representative of the cryosphere in Western Canada, sampling the range along North-South and East-West transects from high altitude cordilleran sites in the south and west to low elevation basins in the north and east. This provides a great variety of cold regions vegetation, topography, climate, and precipitation regimes in which to develop and test new ideas. Research basin observations will not only be used to improve cold regions process representations but also to evaluate meso-scale representations in models and to assess model performance and sensitivity in multi-criteria prediction.

IP3 basins

Figure 1.

IP3 Research Basins cover cold regions transects from high altitudes (Wolf, O’Hara, Peyto, Marmot) to low altitudes (Scotty, Baker, Havikpak, Trail Valley), and high latitudes (Trail Valley, Havikpak, Scotty, Baker, Wolf) to low latitudes (Peyto, Marmot, O’Hara).


The research basins and the lead Investigator for each basin are listed below:

Trail Valley Creek, NWT (Phil Marsh): Trail Valley Creek flows into the Arctic Ocean through the Eskimo Lakes system. Its area is 70 km2, it is primarily covered with sparse and shrub tundra and tundra ponds, and it is underlain by continuous permafrost. It has 3 permanent meteorological stations and two streamflow gauging stations.

Havikpak Creek, NWT (Phil Marsh): Havikpak Creek flows into the Mackenzie River near the Delta. It is primarily covered with an open taiga woodland, open wetlands, and upland shrub tundra. The basin is underlain by continuous permafrost, some of which is ice-rich. It has two meteorological stations and a streamflow gauging station and is near the Inuvik MSC weather station.

Polar Bear Pass, Nunavut (Kathy Young): Polar Bear Pass straddles the middle of Bathurst Island, has an exceedingly low regional gradient of about 0.0004 (2 m elevation range in >5500 m), and is bordered by hills up to 240 m high. The basin covers approximately 100 km2, and an automatic weather station provides historic meteorological data. This wetland is occupied by tundra ponds and lakes of various dimensions as well as several minor but definable streams.

Baker Creek, NWT (Chris Spence): Baker Creek is a series of interconnected lakes draining an area of 150 km2 north of Great Slave Lake that is typical of Canadian Shield drainage basins. The landscape is taiga woodland and boreal forest. It has three meteorological stations and one streamflow gauging station.

Wolf Creek, Yukon (Sean Carey): Wolf Creek is part of the headwaters of the Yukon River near Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. Its area is 195 km2 and it has a sub-arctic climate with vegetation zones ranging from boreal forest to windswept alpine tundra. The basin is partially underlain by permafrost. It has six permanent meteorological stations ranging in elevation from 750 to 1600 m and three gauged sub-basins.

Scotty Creek, NWT (Bill Quinton): Scotty Creek flows into the Liard River near its confluence with the Mackenzie River at Fort Simpson. It drains a broad permafrost wetland with islands of sparse woodland surrounded by open fen and muskeg. It has 2 meteorological stations and is near the Fort Simpson MSC weather station.

Peyto Creek, Alberta (Scott Munro): Peyto Creek drains a 24 km2 basin in Banff National Park that forms part of the headwaters of the North Saskatchewan River. The basin is 60% covered by the Peyto Glacier which has been the subject of intensive mass balance, energy balance, and runoff observations since the basin’s adoption as an International Hydrological Decade (IHD) research site in 1965. The basin has an automatic weather station adjacent to the glacier, a glacier mass balance field programme that is part of the National Glaciology Programme of NRCan, and a streamflow gauge.

Marmot Creek, Alberta (John Pomeroy): Marmot Creek feeds the Kananaskis River and the Bow River system from the Rocky Mountains. Its area is 14 km2 and it is primarily covered with montane and sub-alpine forest with alpine tundra ridgetops. The basin has been subject to intensive hydrometeorological studies since the International Hydrological Decade. It has 8 permanent meteorological stations at elevations from 1450 m to 2500 m, and observations of groundwater levels and streamflow are made by the federal and provincial governments.

Lake O’Hara, BC (Masaki Hayashi): The Lake O'Hara basin is 14 km2 in size and ranges in elevation from 2010 to 3490 m. Three small glaciers occupy approximately 5% of the basin. The basin currently has two meteorological stations and five stream gauging stations. Dr. Hayashi has written a brief description of the groundwater pathways in the Lake O'Hara Basin for the Lake O'Hara Trails Club.

Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, US (Danny Marks): The Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed is a 239 km2 drainage in the Owyhee Mountains that has been operational since 1960. Research is currently supported by 9 weirs, 37 meteorological stations, 26 precipitation stations, 8 snow course and 5 snow study sites, 5 eddy covariance systems, and 27 soil microclimate measurement locations.


Process Algorithms

Process algorithms dealing with snow and glacier ice, open water, and runoff generation are being developed using spatially nested coupled mass and energy observations in the research basins. Observations include sensible and latent heat exchange, radiation exchange, snow mass change, blowing snow mass flux, precipitation, snowmelt, ground heat flux, advection, soil thaw, overland flow, sub-surface flow, soil moisture change, and streamflow. In most basins these occur at several locations and the issues of spatial variability in fluxes are addressed by multiple observations using various hydrological and meteorological variables. Measurement of these variables is via flow lysimeter, time domain reflectometry (for soil moisture observations), and both permanent and mobile networks of eddy covariance instrumentation to collect sensible and latent heat fluxes, wind speed, air temperature, humidity, snow depth, precipitation, and radiation. Soil temperature and both large and small profile observations of heat and moisture gradients are also measured. Investigators work in teams with pooled equipment for focussed field campaign in each basin to ensure common methodologies and critical mass. Because the basins cover significantly different topography and climate, algorithms are tested at multiple basins to ensure robustness and transferability suitable for hydrology and land surface schemes.

Research Basins and process algorithm development


Havipak Wolf Scotty Baker Peyto O'Hara Marmot
Snow Redistribution x   x     x   x
Snow and Ice Melt & Runoff x x x     x x x
Lake Runoff x   x   x   x  
Hillslope Runoff     x x x   x x
Permafrost Dynamics x x x x        
Open Water Evaporation x       x      
Evaporation & Energy Balance x x x  x x x x x


Theme 1 Schedule, Milestones, and Deliverables

Year 1:

  • Install and upgrade hydrometeorological network in research basins and begin all field observations
  • Explore alternative methods to LIDAR for obtaining high-resolution DEMs for research basins
  • Collation of historical processes data collected in MAGS and Quinton-CFCAS project
  • Begin analysis of MAGS historical turbulent and radiative transfer data applicable to IP3 project
  • Boundary layer growth experiment begins
  • Identify existing LSS numerical process descriptions for cryosphere processes and incorporate into CRHM
  • All research sites fully instrumented and experiments set up

Year 2:

  • All field field-sites fully operational with personnel on-site for intensive data collection
  • Ongoing analysis of HRU runoff sources, pathways, residence times, and intra-basin hydrological interaction
  • Evaluate and upscale existing numerical process descriptions for frozen and organic soils
  • Ongoing analysis and of radiative and turbulent transfer data from lake and snow experiments
  • Implementation of new and developing numerical process descriptions into CRHM
  • Frequency distributions for spatial representation of soil parameters determined
  • New numerical routines to accurately estimate ground thaw and how it relates to surface and vegetation properties
  • DEMs obtained for each basin

Year 3:

  • Final year of full-scale field measurement programmes
  • Milestones & Deliverables
  • All primary data collection for Theme 1 objectives complete
  • Analysis of aircraft flux and historical MAGS data complete
  • Sources, residence times and pathways of water for intra-basin HRUs resolved
  • New basin runoff description linking hillslope processes and stream routing complete
  • Seasonal energy and water balance of arctic lakes determined
  • Role of lakes in regional climate established and numerical descriptions of lake advection for all stability conditions complete
  • New algorithms for turbulent closure atop glaciers complete
  • Numerical process descriptions of long-wave exitance from snow and shortwave radiation transfer through canopies complete
  • New bulk-transfer coefficients for snow determined

Year 4:

  • Incorporation of all new numerical process descriptions into CRHM complete
  • Continued refinement of numerical process descriptions as they are tested across all research catchments


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This page last updated 28 May, 2010