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IP3 Workshop 3, Whitehorse, Yukon - Presentations

12-15 November, 2008
Public Lecture, Yukon Science Institute, Beringia Centre
  Sean Carey: Water in the Changing North
Session 1 - Welcome and Introductions
  Elaine Taylor, YT Deputy Premier and Minister of Environment: Welcome from Yukon Government
  Erica Wilson, CFCAS: Welcome from the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  John Pomeroy: Overview, current status of IP3, and plans through 2010
Session 2 - Scientific Reports
  Sean Carey: Hydrological processes and parameterisation: infiltration and runoff
  Chris Spence: Parameterization of subarctic Canadian Shield hydrological processes
  Richard Janowicz: Scaling implications of variable frozen soil infiltration on runoff generation
  Scott Munro: The Peyto Glacier boundary-layer experiment
Session 3 - Scientific Reports
  Bill Quinton: IP3 progress at Scotty Creek
  Phil Marsh: Snow and small lake processes at the Arctic forest/tundra transition in the Western Canadian Arctic
  Richard Essery: Snow processes and parameterization in complex landscapes
  Ken Snelgrove: Exploring hydrologic similarity in the Marmot Creek Basin
  John Pomeroy: Snow dynamics and model parameterisation in alpine, Arctic, and forested basins
Session 4 - Scientific Reports
  Al Pietroniro: MESH modeling update and simulation results for Wolf Creek
  Ric Soulis: Micro-scale to meso-scale: An update on the IP3 sub-grid soil-water budget
  Diana Verseghy: The Canadian Land-Surface Scheme (CLASS) for cold-climate regional modelling
  Edgar Herrera: Modelling wind flow in IP3 basins using GEM
  Tom Brown: Update on the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM)
Session 5 - IP3 Collaborators
  Masaki Hayashi: Hydrological storage and pathways in alpine headwaters: Lake O'Hara study update
  Rob Schincariol: The supporting role of laboratory mesocosms in Scotty Creek field studies
  Tim Link: Hydrologic research at Reynolds Creek: The southernmost node of the IP3 network
  James Craig: Parameterisation - Upscaling threshold behaviour in distributed surface water models
  Bryan Tolson: MESH 1.2 modelling results for IP3 basins
Session 6 - Collaborations and Partnerships in Related National and International Programs
  Shawn Marshall: The Western Canadian Cryospheric Network
  Ron Stewart: The Drought Research Initiative as a stepping stone
  Terry Prowse: Terrestrial hydrology in cold regions: ICARPII to WCRP-CliC
  Chris Spence: Linkages between IP3 and the IAHS PUB initiative
Session 7 - International Polar Year
  Peter diCenzo: IPY Arctic Freshwater Systems: Hydrology and Ecology
  Terry Prowse: River and lake ice: Quantification, extremes, and historical/future changes
  Kathy Young: Hydrology of a low-gradient wetland, Polar Bear Pass, Nunavut: IPY Summer 2008
  Stephen Dery: Recent trends and variability of river discharge in Northern Canada
Session 8 - Theme Discussion
  John Pomeroy: Presentation
Session 9 - Report from the Board of Directors
  Ming-Ko Woo: Summary report
Session 10 - Future Planning
  Bob Sandford: Rocky Mountain Hydrometeorological Observatory
  John Pomeroy: National and international programs
Session 11 - Posters and reception at Beringia Centre
  John Pomeroy and Rick Janowicz: Welcome
  Peter Blanken: Evaporation Measurements from Two Contrasting Arctic Lakes
  Chris DeBeer
  Peter diCenzo
  Julie Friddell: The IP3 Network
  May Guan
  Nicholas Kinar
  Panya Lipovsky
  Guoxiang Liu, Poster 1: Update on IP3 Soil Water Budget: Verification of a Revised Analytical Soil Moisture Parameterization Scheme
  Guoxiang Liu, Poster 2: Update on IP3 Soil Water Budget: Progress Towards an Analytical Solution for Shallow Aquifers
  Matt MacDonald: A Mesoscale Parameterisation of Snow Redistribution by Wind
  Cecile Menard: Impact of Snow and Model Structure on Soil Temperatures in a Land Surface Model
  Yanzhen Ou
  Stefan Pohl
  Andrew Snowdon
  Robin Thorne
  Yinsuo Zhang
  Greg Hare, Yukon Archaeologist: Archaeology from the ice: Yukon and beyond
Session 12 - Users' Perspectives on IP3
  Bob Reid: Overview and current status of the IP3 Users' Advisory Committee, and Summary Report on UAC Workshop in Canmore March 2008
  Ian Church: Collaborative programs in the Canadian North and their legacies
  John Diiwu: Watershed management in the Alberta green area
Session 13 - Users' Applications of IP3 Science
  Rick Janowicz: Adapting Yukon water management practices to incorporate recent research findings
  Al von Finster: IP3 applications to fish and their habitats: Present and future
  Kristina Koenig: Manitoba Hydro
  Panya Lipovsky: Permafrost-related landslides in south and central Yukon
  Wolf Creek Tour
Meeting Conclusion
  Al Pietroniro: Concluding comments


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