Drought Research Initiative
About the DRI Data Legacy Data/Metadata Portal

Welcome to the DRI Data Legacy Portal

This data portal faciltitates access to the DRI data legacy. This data is a result of the work DRI has on the topic of drought and is being made available to facilitate continued work on this critical topic. All datasets have validated ISO 19115 standard metadata and where possible maximum effort has been made to make data available for download and visualization through the centralized and distruibuted data archive system.

For all inquires regarding the site and data legacy system please contact Phillip Harder and for all inquires regarding the individual datasets please contact the respective authority.

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Name of  Dataset

Data Source*

Time Period



Kenaston Soil Moisture Mesonet
  • Precipitation and soil moisture measurements from a 24 station mesonet for the 2007, 2008, 2009 growing seasons. The sites are located in an agricultural area southwest of Kenaston, Saskatchewan.
Alain Pietoniro/Brenda Toth/Danette Bilodeau 09/05/2007 - 27/11/2009 data
Prairie Groundwater Observation Wells
  • 859 groundwater observational well records from AB/SK/MB from the late 1950's to 2009
Garth van der Kamp 1957 - 2009 data

Land Surface

1-km Gridding Resolution North American Soil Texture
  • High resolution gridded, self-consistent surface data (such as soil texture, land cover and topographic data) for modelling purposes
 Kit Szeto data
NDVI data for Prairies (May-August) 2000-2006
  • 10-day composites of NDVI for Census Ag Regions for the 2000 through 2006 growing seasons
Paul Bullock 01/05/2000 -  31/08/2006 data
Prairie Census Agricultural Region Yield Deviation
  • Annual yield deviations of wheat, barley, canola and pea harvests on the prairies
Paul Bullock  01/01/1976 - 31/12/2006 data
Western North American Land Surface Dataset
  • 6 hourly estimates of various land surace parameters including soil moisture, ice content, snow properties and canopy parameters from a CLASS run driven by bias corrected NARR data from 1979 to 2008
Aaron Berg 01/01/1979 - 31/12/2008 data

Modelling and Prediction

CRHM prairie wide model output (1961-2006)
  • The Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM) was used to simulate typical praire basin runoff contributions to sloughs and streams.
Kevin Shook/John Pomeroy 1/1/1961 - 31/12/2006 data
NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) data sets
  • The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) data sets contains global 3-hourly, daily, monthly/3-hourly, and monthly averages of surface longwave and shortwave radiative parameters on a 1deg x1 deg grid.
Heather Greene/NASA 01/07/1983 - 30/06/2007
Prairie Wetland Snow Hydrology Datasets (1999-2006)
  • Datasets related to a study of wetland and snow hydrology response to drought with the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM)
John Pomeroy/Logan Fang 15/10/1999 - 30/06/2006 data
PAMII Model Soil Moisture Output (1998-2005)
  • PAMII output for locations across the prairies from 1998-2005 including soil moisture, evapotranspiration, relative humidity and precipitation
Julian Brimelow/John Hanesiak 05/04/1998 - 30/09/2005 data
PAMII Wheat Study Output
  • The inputs (meterological and soil moisture data from various prarire sites) and outputs (components of evapotranspiration and soil moisture) of the Prairie Agrometeorological Model (PAMII).
Paul Bullock 5/5/2003 - 12/9/2006 datakmlGoogle Map
SABAE-HW v 1.5 Model
  • The SABAE-HW (Soil Atmosphere Boundary Accurate Evaluations of Heat and Water) model is intended for simulating the vertical transfer of energy and water between the atmosphere and the land surface
Allan Woodbury data
Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model Prairie Soil Moisture Modelling
  • Input and output for VIC modelled 0.25 degree gridded soil moisture for AB/SK/MB, 1950 - 2009.
Lei Wen 01/01/1950 - 07/03/2009 data
VIC output for the Upper Churchill River
  • The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model was used to model land surface dynamics over the Upper Churchill basin.
Hassan (AKM) Bhuiyan 1/1/1976 - 31/12/2005 data


West Nose Creek, energy flux data, 2005
  • Energy flux data collected in the West Nose Creek Watershed north of Calgary, Alberta.
Masaki Hayashi 1/7/2005 -  6/10/2005
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Remote Sensing Imagery

EC Prairie Radar Dataset (1999-2005)
  • Weather radar dataset for the Canadian Praires during the drought period.
Ron Stewart/Environment Canada 31/10/2000 - 2/11/2005 kml Google Map
GRACE Total Water Storage Anomalies (TWSA)
  • Total Water Storage Anomalies in cm of water equivalent thickness from GRACE satelites
Sitotaw Yirdaw/NASA 01/04/2002 - 30/05/2006 data

Surface Meteorology

Environment Canada, St. Denis meteorological station data
  • Near surface climate data recorded at St. Denis National Wildlife Area at a 10m tower
Rob Armstrong/Kevin Shook/Chris Spence (EC)  28/01/1999 - 30/06/2006
Hourly Prairie Meteorological Station Observations (1960-2006)
  • Hourly meteorological data from select Prairie Locations 1960-2006
Kevin Shook/John Pomeroy 01/01/1960-20/05/2006 data
Monthly Gridded SPI and PDSI (1901-2005) over the Canadian Prairies
  • Monthly SPI and PDSI indices on 10km grid derived from the ANUSPLIN dataset from 1901-2005
Barrie Bonsal/ Elaine Wheaton 01/01/1901-31/12/2005 data
St Denis Evaporation Dataset, 2006-2007
  • Flux measurements taken at St. Denis National Wildlife Area
Rob Armstrong/John Pomeroy 19/05/2006 - 03/10/2007 data
West Nose Creek Research Basin Data 2004-2010
  • Meteorological and hydrological field data collected from West Nose Creek north of Calgary, AB.
 Masaki Hyashi
 01/04/2003 - 31/03/2010

Upper Atmosphere

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