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IP3/WC2N Joint Annual Workshop, Lake Louise Inn, Lake Louise, Alberta - Presentations and Posters

14-17 October 2009
Session 1 - Welcome
  Bill Fisher, Parks Canada, Director General for Western and Northern Canada: Welcome from Parks Canada
  Erica Wilson, CFCAS: Welcome from the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  Brian Menounos: Western Canadian Cryospheric Network (WC2N) overview and update
  John Pomeroy: The IP3 research network: Enhancing understanding of water resources in Canada's cold regions
  Michael Allchin: Data Management and archiving for IP3 and WC2N
Session 2 - Modelling Overview
  Al Pietroniro: Land-surface-hydrological models for environmental prediction
  Bryan Tolson: Calibration and analysis of the MESH hydrological model applied to Reynolds Creek, Idaho
  Diana Verseghy: Regional runs of the Canadian Land-Surface Scheme (CLASS) for IPY
  Ric Soulis: Micro-scale to meso-scale: An update on the IP3 sub-grid soil-water budget
  Edgar Herrera: GEM modelling update for IP3
  Tom Brown: Update on the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM)
  Olga Semenova: The universal model "Hydrograph": Modelling across climates, landscapes, and space scales, with specific implementation to the Russian Arctic
Session 3 - Northern Basins
  Phil Marsh: Snow and small lake processes at the Arctic forest/tundra transition in the Western Canadian Arctic
  Stefano Endrizzi: Modelling the spatial variability of the snow cover and the surface energy fluxes at Trail Valley Creek
  Stefan Pohl: Hydrologic modelling at a continuous permafrost site using MESH
  Bill Quinton: IP3 progress at Scotty Creek
  Ross Phillips: Improved process understanding and parameterisation methods but not yet prediction on the subarctic Canadian Shield
  Richard Janowicz: Recent hydrologic response trends observed in Yukon Territory
  Stephen Dery: Streamflow in northern Canada during the IPY
Session 4 - Mountain Basins
  John Pomeroy: Snow dynamics and modeling in open and forested basins
  Cecile Menard: Snow processes and parameterisation in complex landscapes
  Stephen Dery: Blowing snow in the Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia
  Sean Carey: Improved parameterisations for organic-covered permafrost soils in land-surface and hydrological models
  Masaki Hayashi: Hydrological storage and pathways in alpine headwaters: Lake O'Hara study update
  Scott Munro: Peyto Glacier: Revisiting the 25 m HRU
  Danny Marks: Synergistic observations and hydrological modelling over a snow-dominated mountain basin
Session 5 - Mini-Workshop on Data Archiving
  John Pomeroy: Need for data archive
  Michael Allchin: IP3/WC2N archives and information systems
  Steve Liang: GeoCENS: Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for ENvironmental Sensing
Session 6 - Glaciers I
  Roger Wheate: Glacier extents and elevations, past and present
  Christina Tennant: Eight decades of glacier change, Canadian Rocky Mountains
  Shawn Marshall and Eric White: Outlook for Alberta's glaciers
  Valentina Radic: Evaluating GCMs using the method of self-organizing maps (SOMs)
  Faron Anslow: Modelling 200 (100) years of glacier change in western Canada
Session 7 - Glacier II
  Garry Clarke: Yet another way of estimating subglacial topography
  Joe Shea: Radiation modelling for regional glacier melt
  Bruce Ainslie and Peter Jackson: Numerical modelling and bias-correcting a precipitation climatology over coastal southern British Columbia
  Andrew Bush: Simulated glacier mass balance in western Canada through the 21st century
Session 8 - Posters
  Kristyn Adams: Measurement of deflation of a debris-covered glacier in Opabin Basin, Yoho National Park
  Eleanor Bash: Summer field investigations at the Haig Glacier, Alberta
  Chris DeBeer: Simulation of the snowmelt runoff contributing source area in a small alpine basin
  Chad Ellis: Sensitivity of net radiation to snow in a Canadian Rocky Mountain basin
  Xing Fang: Using field surveys and LiDAR to derive parameters for uncalibrated spring streamflow prediction using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model
  May Guan: Spatiotemporal interaction of near-surface soil moisture content and frost table depth in a discontinuous permafrost environment
  Masaki Hayashi: Wetland-Forest transition at the edge of permafrost: Roles of water and energy transport process
  Marco Hernandez-Henriquez: Reconstructing the natural streamflow of La Grande Riviere, Quebec, Canada
  IP3 Outreach Poster: Linking hydrology and water resources management
  Edward Johnson: Spatial and temporal processes controlling duff (F and H organic layers) moisture
  Nicholas Kinar: An automated gauge for acoustically determining snow water equivalent
  Matt MacDonald: CLASS with blowing snow algorithms: Tests over alpine terrain
  Jimmy MacDonald: Factors affecting unloading of intercepted snow
  Danny Marks: Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed
  Chris Marsh: Improved MESH efficiency via parallelization and code optimization
  Theo Mlynowski: Hydrometric monitoring across the Canadian pan-Arctic region, 1950-2008
  Jerry Osborn: 35-year photographic record of an advancing rock glacier in the Lake Louise area, Banff National Park, Alberta
  Ross Phillips: Mapping surface connections for the quantitative measurement of basin scale connectivity
  Abu Rashed: Prediction of hydrologic fluxes over the Marmot Basin using small scale distributed hydrologic model
  Olga Semenova: Large-scale modelling with fine spatial-temporal representation of runoff formation processes: Application to the Arctic basins of eastern Siberia
  Joe Shea: Estimating meteorological variables within glacier boundary layers, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia
  Ric Soulis and Guoxiang Liu: Modelling IP3 watersheds: Determining retained soil moisture using both field capacity and topography
  Ric Soulis and Guoxiang Liu: Update on IP3 soil water budget: Development of an analytical interflow scheme
  Mike Treberg: Measuring soil water content using heat pulse and TDR probes in unfrozen and frozen soils at Wolf Creek, YT
  Adam Winstral: Modeling wind speed and snow accumulation gradients across complex terrain from typically collected meteorological data
  Yinsuo Zhang: Parameterizations of organic-covered permafrost soils in land surface and hydrological models
Session 9 - Outreach and Applications of IP3 and WC2N Information
  Nadine Kapphahn: Outreach activities: WC2N and IP3
  Bob Sandford: Corralling the water hole: The role of science in avoiding potential conflict over water resources in the Canadian west
  Frank Weber: Use of glaciological data for runoff forecasting
  David Keith and Edward Johnson: Spatial and temporal patterns and processes controlling duff moisture content
  Katrina Bennett: The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium - Hydrologic modelling project
  Bob Sandford: Why cold matters - the state and fate of Canada's snow and ice: A popular summary of the outcomes of the IP3 and WC2N research networks
Session 10 - Discussion, Future Plans, Workshop Wrap-up
  John Pomeroy: The Coldwater Science Collaborative: A support network for water users, water managers, and researchers


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This page last updated 28 May, 2010